Blog | International PHP Conference 2020 in Berlin IPC 2025 Mon, 10 Feb 2025 12:28:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Securing Web Applications with WebAuthn and Passkeys Wed, 29 Jan 2025 12:51:03 +0000 WebAuthn and passkeys offer a secure, password-free alternative to traditional authentication, enhancing user convenience and safety. This guide will show you how to implement these modern technologies in your web applications using practical examples with PHP and JavaScript, providing a seamless and reliable login experience for your users.

The post Securing Web Applications with WebAuthn and Passkeys appeared first on International PHP Conference.

Passwords have long been the weak link in securing online accounts, vulnerable to phishing, brute force attacks, and data breaches. Enter passwordless authentication—a modern solution powered by the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API and public key cryptography. Supported by the FIDO Alliance, this approach eliminates shared secrets like passwords and replaces them with passkeys: cryptographic credentials securely stored on devices.

Using strong authenticators such as platform authenticators, security keys, or biometric features like Touch ID, passkeys offer both robust security and seamless usability. By ensuring private keys never leave the user’s device, this method not only resists phishing attacks but also streamlines the authentication flow for a better user experience.

In this article, we explore how passkeys and the WebAuthn protocol work together to revolutionize authentication for apps and websites. Additionally, we provide a hands-on guide to implementing passkeys using JavaScript and PHP. Whether you’re a developer building passwordless authentication flows or enhancing existing systems, this hands-on approach will help you get started with ease.


Think of how many websites out there that you’ve created an account for. Likely more than the number of unique passwords you can memorize and maintain. Many of us have deferred to password managers that are now built into web browsers or standalone services to keep track of them all. While you may be confident that you’ve created a strong password for a website, there’s no way to know how that website stores your password on their end. Sites have been compromised and passwords leaked and with passwords being reused, that leak can lead to further damage on other sites that use the same password. Two form authentication has sprung up to help, but even that has its flaws, like if someone was able to redirect your phone number and is inconvenient sometimes for the end user (let me go get my phone in the other room).

Those are the challenges as an end user, but you’re a web developer who’s tasked with making sure your web application is secure and convenient for your end users. It can be daunting to implement a user authentication system for your website with the necessary features to handle forgotten passwords, two form authentication, and more. Surely, there’s a more efficient solution! This is where the WebAuthn protocol and passkeys come into play. WebAuthn currently has a 98% reach for global web browsers, so it’s a great time to implement as you can be assured of your work’s support.

This article aims to give you a high level understanding of how this system works and how you can implement it for your web application, avoiding some of the more technical details. After we’re done, you should be able to implement a rough user account creation and login to get used to how it works and then be able to dive deeper for any more specific use case scenarios.

The 30,000 Foot View

Let’s start with a super high level overview. For the applications I’ve developed, I use a PHP framework (CodeIgniter) with JavaScript code on the client side. When someone wants to create an account, they provide a username (ideally an email address), which gets sent to the PHP backend to create a credential creation request. The backend replies and its response is used to create the credentials, which the browser and user’s device handle. You would then send the credentials back to the PHP backend to verify and save in the database. Later, when it’s time to log in, they could simply click a login (with Passkey) button. This will send the request to the PHP backend to prepare the request and then its response is used to request credentials associated with the website from the browser and user’s device. Once the user completes that process, the response is sent back to the PHP backend for verification and if successful, logging in.

Depending on the user’s ecosystem (i.e. Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc), created credentials are securely saved on that device and synchronized with the user’s system account. So for example, if the user was using Safari on an iMac to create the account, the credentials are saved in Apple’s Passwords application and synchronized with the user’s iCloud account. This ensures the credentials are available to the user regardless of what device they are using. So if your user goes home and uses their iPad to access your web application, they would be able to simply log in with the credentials they created earlier on the iMac.

Creating the Passkey

Let’s dive into the details. On the backend, I like to use the lbuchs/WebAuthn library found on GitHub. It simplifies and packages a lot of the processes.

The first part of the implementation is when a user wants to create an account for your site. On our site, we create a guest user account for any new anonymous session and associate its ID # with that session. Then whenever the user wants to mark an item as a favorite, add something to a shopping cart, create an account, or some other action, we have a “user” already registered. When the user wants to create an account with a passkey, we can then use that ID # to store into the credential for easier retrieval later. If your application doesn’t already have user accounts set up, you could just create a GUID associated with the username/email address and then later when you create the user record, use that GUID. Just keep in mind that if you’re storing things in a relational database that users could have multiple passkeys; the ideal setup for that setup is to have a user table and a passkey table with a user_id foreign key in the passkey table to tie back to the user.

When the user fills out their username and submits the create account form, we first send a challenge request to the server with their username. I use an underlying Javascript fetch call to send that request to the server and the server uses the WebAuthn library to create the challenge and save it to the session and send it back to the client, who will use it to generate the credential in the browser.

The Javascript looks something like this:

   let userEmail = document.getElementById('email').value;
   let form_data = new FormData();
   form_data.append('email', userEmail);
   let response = await fetch('/backend-signup-pre.php', {
     method: 'POST',
     body: form_data
   let data = await response.json();

This sends the POST request to the backend-signup-pre.php script which looks something like this:

    * Simple backend for the web application.
   require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
   use lbuchs\WebAuthn\WebAuthn;
   $domain = "";
   $webauthn = new WebAuthn("Simple Passkey App", $domain);
   $email = $_POST['email'];
   $_SESSION['unique_id'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
   $response = $webauthn->getCreateArgs(\hex2bin($_SESSION['unique_id']), $email, $email);
   $_SESSION['challenge'] = ($webauthn->getChallenge())->getBinaryString();
   echo json_encode($response);

The WebAuthn constructor takes two arguments, the name and the domain of your application. These will be baked into the credential to display to the user and restrict what sites it can be applied to. Your domain can be as specific as you’d like, where you could use the TLD to have it work across any subdomains, or have it subdomain specific.

You can see that this code creates a unique_id. If you have the user ID, then this is where you’d use it instead. This also gets baked into the credential, so you want to make it unique to the user and later when the user is logging in and you’re given this unique ID, you’ll be able to find the associated user.

Next you call getCreateArgs with the information you have. A lot of options you can be used to scope the created credential, but I’m just using the defaults here. You will want to store the generated challenge in the session and then return the response to the browser.

A lot of the underlying data is in binary, so it’s helpful to have support methods to convert data back and forth. You see the bin2hex and hex2bin calls in the PHP example above. On the Javascript side, I found these helper functions to convert array buffers to base64 and back.

   // Helper functions.
   var helper = {
     // array buffer to base64
     atb: b => {
       let u = new Uint8Array(b), s = "";
       for (let i = 0; i < u.byteLength; i++) { s += String.fromCharCode(u[i]); }
       return btoa(s);
     // base64 to array buffer
     bta: o => {
       let pre = "=?BINARY?B?", suf = "?=";
       for (let k in o) {
         if (typeof o[k] == "string") {
           let s = o[k];
           if (s.substring(0, pre.length) == pre && s.substring(s.length - suf.length) == suf) {
             let b = window.atob(s.substring(pre.length, s.length - suf.length)),
               u = new Uint8Array(b.length);
             for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { u[i] = b.charCodeAt(i); }
             o[k] = u.buffer;
         } else { helper.bta(o[k]); }

Picking back up on the Javascript client side, we want to use the helper.bta function to convert the credential request from the server to what the WebAuthn API needs:

   let data = await response.json();
   let credential = await navigator.credentials.create(data);

This will trigger a request in the user’s browser that looks something like this (Firefox on Mac):

Passkey Trigger

If the user clicks Continue, the OS creates a public and private key pair and provides the credential information back to the browser, which you then pass onto the server to store and associate with the user. The Javascript code looks something like this:

   try {
     let credential = await navigator.credentials.create(data);
     let credential_data = {
       client: credential.response.clientDataJSON ? helper.atb(credential.response.clientDataJSON) : null,
       attest: credential.response.attestationObject ? helper.atb(credential.response.attestationObject) : null
     form_data.append('credential', JSON.stringify(credential_data));
     let response = await fetch('/backend-signup.php', {
       method: 'POST',
       body: form_data
   catch (e) {
     // This is when the user cancels the registration or if the registration fails.

The credential_data object is created with the necessary information from the credential and using the atb helper method to convert the array buffer to a base64-encoded string. Then it’s JSON-encoded and passed onto the server. Now when the server gets it, there’s a lot (19!) of verification steps in the official specification and the PHP WebAuthn library takes care of that for you, throwing its own WebAuthnException if anything fails.

   try {
     $credential = $webauthn->processCreate(
     // If you got here, the passkey was created successfully and is valid.
     // Let's create the user account.
     $user_id = create_user($_SESSION['email']);
     // Let's create the passkey.
     $nickname = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . ' - ' . $_SESSION['email'];
     $passkey = create_passkey($user_id, $credential, $nickname);
     // Let's clean up the session.
     // Let's save the user id to the session, logging them in.
     $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
     // Let's inform the client that the passkey was created successfully.
     echo json_encode(['success' => 'Passkey created successfully']);
   catch (WebAuthnException $e) {
     echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]);

Remember in this use case, the user is signing up for the website and creating a passkey at the same time. So we create the user and then use its user ID # to create the passkey and store it in the session. If you already have the user ID # (say it’s a known user who wants to add a passkey to their account), then you skip that step. The passkey table uses this schema:

   CREATE TABLE `passkey` (
     `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
     `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `unique_id` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
     `nickname` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
     `credential_id` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
     `public_key` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
     `created_at` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `modified_at` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

The user_id comes from the inserted (or passed along) user ID #. The unique_id comes from the backend-signup-pre script, which creates a random hex code and saves it to the session as well as putting it into the credential request. Later on, when the user is logging in with their passkey, you’ll be able to retrieve this unique_id and use it to query the passkey table to find the matching passkey and use it to verify the request and log in the associated user. The nickname is used to provide a user-friendly label for the passkey, with their User Agent information as well as the email address they specified. The crendential_id and public_key come from the returned object from the processCreate call. This is an example of what a record looks like in the table:

mysql> select * from passkey \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
   user_id: 2
unique_id: bae1434f279f6d4d
  nickname: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0 - [email protected]
credential_id: 060a5f046bcbd1b9170b2187728cfacc4a5d26c5
   public_key: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
   created_at: 1734127652
  modified_at: 1734127652
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So now you can associate the web session with the user ID and associate that user with the rest of their session with your site.

Logging In With a Passkey

But what about later when the session has expired and they come back ready to resume their account work? This is where the login functionality comes into play, and from a super high level, it’s much like the signup process. You send a request to the backend to generate a login challenge and use its response to request site credentials from the user’s browser/OS and then feed that back to the server to validate and upon validation, log them in, associating their user ID with the rest of their session.

First, to send the login challenge, it’s a simple GET request:

   let response = await fetch('/backend-login-pre.php');

And on the backend, we use the WebAuthn library to create a credential request that looks like this:

   $domain = "";
   $webauthn = new WebAuthn("Simple Passkey App", $domain);
   $args = $webauthn->getGetArgs();
   $_SESSION['challenge'] = ($webauthn->getChallenge())->getBinaryString();
   echo json_encode($args);

Then back on the frontend, we use our helper method to convert the data from bas64 to an array buffer and feed it into the browser’s get credential method:

   let data = await response.json();
   let credential = await navigator.credentials.get(data);

That call will trigger the interaction between the browser and the OS to retrieve the saved passkey, which looks something like this (Firefox on Mac):

Save Passkey option

The credential that comes back uses array buffers, so needs to be converted to base64 and then sent to the server for validation.

   let credential_data = {
     id: credential.rawId ? helper.atb(credential.rawId) : null,
     client: credential.response.clientDataJSON ? helper.atb(credential.response.clientDataJSON) : null,
     auth: credential.response.authenticatorData ? helper.atb(credential.response.authenticatorData) : null,
     sig: credential.response.signature ? helper.atb(credential.response.signature) : null,
     user: credential.response.userHandle ? helper.atb(credential.response.userHandle) : null
   let form_data = new FormData();
   form_data.append('credential', JSON.stringify(credential_data));
   response = await fetch('/backend-login.php', {
     method: 'POST',
     body: form_data

On the server side, the data comes in base64 encoded and needs to be decoded, which turns into binary. Some of those values can be passed directly into the WebAuthn library’s processGet method, but you can use bin2hex to convert the credential ID and userHandle into data that matches up with the initial signup request.

   $crendential_data = json_decode($_POST['credential'], true);
   $credential_id = bin2hex(base64_decode($crendential_data['id']));
   $unique_id = bin2hex(base64_decode($crendential_data['user']));

Now you can query your passkey table for a passkey that matches that credential_id and unique_id. Then you can call WebAuthn’s processGet method with other data from the request (the client, auth, and sig), the passkey (the public_key), and the challenge created from the previous step.

   // This is a database query that returns the matching row.
   $passkey = get_passkey($credential_id, $unique_id);
   $client = base64_decode($crendential_data['client']);
   $auth = base64_decode($crendential_data['auth']);
   $sig = base64_decode($crendential_data['sig']);
   $valid = $webauthn->processGet(

If there was a matching passkey and if the processGet call returned true, then you have a valid authentication request and you can log in the user.

   if ($valid) {
     // Let's save the user id to the session, logging them in.
     $_SESSION['user_id'] = $passkey['user_id'];
     echo json_encode(['result' => 'success']);
   else {
     echo json_encode(['result' => 'invalid']);

Then on the client side, you can look at the response and if it was successful, redirect the user to the logged-in page, which can now rely on the user ID to personalize the page.

   data = await response.json();
   if (data.result == 'success') {
     window.location.href = '/dashboard.php';

So there you go! This high-level overview will get you started and running. From there, you can delve deeper and customize to fit your specific requirements. I’ve published the complete code and working example on Github and if you have any questions, you can reach out to me via email or use the Q&A section in that Github repo.

In Conclusion

One of the strengths of this system is that it’s not susceptible to phishing attacks. Credentials are bound to the domain where they were created, so if the user ends up clicking on a malicious link that takes them to a site that looks similar to a legitimate site, any request for a passkey from the malicious site will not match up to the legitimate site’s passkey.

Unfortunately, while WebAuthn is widely available, its adoption has not taken off to be mainstream. While some sites have passkey support, they also run other login methods like OAuth and even the basic password. Passkeys are still a foreign concept to most users, but this is a great time to learn and adopt as a web developer to be prepared for when it hopefully becomes more mainstream. Once users see how easy it is to create an account and log in with WebAuthn, they will love going to sites that support it.

The post Securing Web Applications with WebAuthn and Passkeys appeared first on International PHP Conference.

Boost PHP Code Quality: A Guide to Using Enums in PHP 8.1 Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:04:49 +0000 Hey there, PHP enthusiasts! Today, we're going to explore one of the most powerful features that PHP 8.1 brought to the table: enums. If you're not familiar with enums, don't worry - we're going to break it all down together.

The post Boost PHP Code Quality: A Guide to Using Enums in PHP 8.1 appeared first on International PHP Conference.


Enums, short for enumerations, are a powerful feature introduced in PHP 8.1 that allow developers to define a set of named constants. They represent a significant improvement in PHP’s type system, offering a way to create more expressive, self-documenting, and type-safe code. In this article, we will take a deep dive into enums in PHP, exploring their benefits, use cases, and how they can dramatically improve your code quality and maintainability.

What are Enums?

Enums are a special kind of class used to represent a fixed set of constant values. These values are typically used to represent a collection of related items, states, or options within a system. For example, you might use an enum to represent the days of the week, card suits in a deck, or status codes in an application. Key enums characteristics include:

  • Type safety: Enums provide compile-time checking, ensuring that only valid enum values are used.
  • Self-documentation: The enum’s name and cases clearly communicate the intent and possible values.
  • Extensibility: Enums can be enriched with methods and properties, allowing for more complex behavior.


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Before Enums in PHP

Before PHP 8.1, there was no built-in support for enums in PHP. Developers had to use constants or classes to define state and workflow. This approach was not ideal as can see in the following example, where most of the work needs to be done manually for any validation or transformation.

  class Status {
      const PENDING = 'pending';
      const APPROVED = 'approved';
      const REJECTED = 'rejected';
      public function __construct($status) {
      public function all() {
          return [

Other forms of implementation include using interfaces, abstract classes, traits, or even arrays. However, these approaches are not as clean and readable as enums.

  // Arrays
  $status = [
      'PENDING' => 'pending',
      'APPROVED' => 'approved',
      'REJECTED' => 'rejected'
  // Interfaces, traits or abstract classes
  interface Status {
      const PENDING = 'pending';
      const APPROVED = 'approved';
      const REJECTED = 'rejected';
  // SplEnum ( - not supported since php 7)
  class Status extends SplEnum {
      const PENDING = 'pending';
      const APPROVED = 'approved';
      const REJECTED = 'rejected';


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Pure Enums or Backed Enums

There are two types of enums in PHP: Pure Enums and Backed Enums. In the first case, pure enums are a set of named constants without a value associated with them. In the second case, backed enums are a set of named constants with a value scalar type associated with them.


  // Pure Enum
  enum Status {
      case Pending;
      case Approved;
      case Rejected;
  // Backed Enum
  enum Status: string {
      case Pending = 'pending';
      case Approved = 'approved';
      case Rejected = 'rejected';

“When should I use one over the other?”, you might be asking. If you need to store the value or retrieve and build your enum from a value, you should use a backed enum. If you just need a set of named constants to represent a temporary state or a workflow, pure enums are the way to go.

Using Enums

We have a few ways to use enums in PHP. The first one is by using the match expression. This is a new feature in PHP 8.0 that allows you to match a value against a set of patterns. In the case of enums, you can match a value against the enum cases.

  enum Status {
      case Pending;
      case Approved;
      case Rejected;
  class Order {
      public Status $status;
      public function __construct(Status $status) {
          $this->status = $status;
      public function approve() {
          $this->status = Status::Approved;
      public function process() {
          match($this->status) {
              Status::Pending => $this->processPending(),
              Status::Approved => $this->processApproved(),
              Status::Rejected => $this->processRejected(),

Accessing enum values

It’s important to note that when retrieving the values of the enum, this method ::ATTR will return the instance of the enum, not the value itself and because of that it will throw an exception in case you try to use it as a string. To get the value, you need to call the ->value method.

Unfortunately, you can’t use either __toString or __invoke magic methods to get the value directly. See

  enum Status: string {
      case Pending = 'pending';
      case Approved = 'approved';
      case Rejected = 'rejected';
  echo Status::Pending; // Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Object of class Status could not be converted to string ...
  echo Status::Pending->value; // pending
  echo Status::Pending->name; // Pending (the name of the case)


Enriched Enums

You can also enrich your enums with methods that can be called on each case. This is a great way to encapsulate logic. In the next example we will create a VirtualQueueStatus enum also including methods to retrieve the title and the css class for each status.

  enum VirtualQueueStatus: string {
      case BeingServed = 'being_server';
      case Completed = 'completed';
      case NoShow = 'no_show';
      case Removed = 'removed';
      case Abandoned = 'abandoned';
      public function title(): string {
          return match ($this) {
              self::BeingServed => 'Being served',
              self::Completed => 'Completed',
              self::NoShow => 'No show',
              self::Removed => 'Removed',
              self::Abandoned => 'User left',
      public function cssClass(): string {
          return match ($this) {
              self::BeingServed => 'bg-yellow-200 text-yellow-700',
              self::Completed => 'bg-green-200 text-green-700',
              self::NoShow => 'bg-red-200 text-red-700',
              self::Removed => 'bg-red-200 text-red-700',
              self::Abandoned => 'bg-red-200 text-red-700',
  class MyQueue {
      public function __construct(public VirtualQueueStatus $status) {}
  $status = 'being_server'; // from database
  $queue = new MyQueue(status: VirtualQueueStatus::from($status));
  echo $queue->status->title(); // Being served

Using ::from method, you can build your enum from a value. This is a great way to hydrate your enums from a database, where you almost certainly have a valid value. But when building from a user’s input you may use a ::tryFrom method that will return null if the value is not valid.

  $status = 'anything'; // from user input
  // in case of invalid value, it will return null and the default value will be set
  $queue = new MyQueue(status: VirtualQueueStatus::tryFrom($status) ?? VirtualQueueStatus::BeingServed);
  echo $queue->status->title(); // Being served
  Another great usage of enums is to list all possible values for a given scenario, like a dropdown in a form.
  // ['being_server', 'completed', 'no_show', 'removed', 'abandoned']
  foreach (VirtualQueueStatus::all() as $status) {
      echo $status; // being_server, completed, no_show, removed, abandoned

Let’s implement another method where we can check if this is a final state and another one to retrieve only error states.

  enum VirtualQueueStatus: string {
      /* ... */
      public static function isFinal(VirtualQueueStatus $status): bool {
          return match ($status) {
              self::Abandoned => true,
              default => false,
      public static function errorStates(): array {
          return [
  foreach (VirtualQueueStatus::errorStates() as $status) {
      echo $status; // no_show, removed, abandoned


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Powerful and flexible, enums are a great addition to PHP. You can use enums anywhere you need a set of named constants, in my team we are constantly replacing old constants with enums. They are a great way to make your code more readable and maintainable.

You don’t need to worry about the performance of enums, as they are compiled to a very efficient structure just like any other class object internally.

Many of the examples in this article are inspired by the official documentation and real work projects, you can find more information in the official documentation or in the RFC.


The post Boost PHP Code Quality: A Guide to Using Enums in PHP 8.1 appeared first on International PHP Conference.

Simplify WordPress Development with WP-CLI Mon, 12 Aug 2024 08:06:37 +0000 What if I told you that you can generate a proper PHP code on a command? Remember, all I'm offering is the truth – nothing more.

Setting up a project today is a project. GIT clone, nvm install, nvm use, npm install, npm run start, fix docker port issue, nvm install && nvm use, npm install, npm run start.. Ahh ok, rm -rf *, git clone…

When you finally make all the different tools work on your machine, it’s time for writing the code - but not just yet. You still have to do some copy/pasting from docs. Where was that page with a code example again?

The post Simplify WordPress Development with WP-CLI appeared first on International PHP Conference.

Two hours later, after you successfully reorganised your “code snippets” bookmark folder, you have the starter code pasted and now you can start coding. Now, just to quickly clean it up from the things you know you won’t need, maybe five minutes top…

Whew, it’s a good thing you Googled that weird part of code from the snippet because there were at least 3 Stack Overflow answers saying how you’re losing 3-5 milliseconds in performance with that legacy code. This is great: you’ve set up a new project with the latest code AND you’ve learned something new while doing so. All good to go to start coding first thing tomorrow.

You feel like you really accomplished something today, haven’t you? You’ve set up a project!

I hate that. I hate that something equivalent to opening a code editor and running up the gear takes so much time and effort that you feel accomplishment when, in fact, you haven’t even started.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is, in fact, a tool for that.



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The Tool

It’s a wonderful, fast, powerful, open-source, CLI tool. The WP-CLI, command line interface for WordPress.

I’m a huge fan bjmof CLI tools. They do exactly what you tell them, and they even tell you what to tell them. They all work perfectly together even though they are not aware of each other. there is no “new look” or “this button has moved here”. They do exactly what they should, nothing more and nothing less.

As any other CLI tool, WP-CLI too has a global parameter –help with every command and subcommand, which will provide you with a complete documentation for said command or subcommand, altogether with usage examples. You’ll find things you need only once in a while, but there are also commands that are useful in your everyday WordPress development work.

I’m not going to run you through the installation process. It requires 3,5 commands and is pretty straightforward.

It’s worth noting here that WP-CLI is not officially supported on Windows machines. It is possible to install and use it on Windows machines, but some commands can have unexpected outcomes due to various reasons and maintainers don’t guarantee those can be fixed.

Everyday Work

There are different things you have to work on every day and there are only so many commands and flags you can memorise. Personally, I don’t like memorising anything. So, I use a lot of help and the global parameter –prompt. It will prompt you with every flag a command has so you don’t have to worry about typos or missing a required flag.

Type values unique to your current use case

All you have to do is type values that are unique to your current use case. If you start using only this global parameter, you’re already 70% more productive than someone who doesn’t use it (I made up that stat).

There are many everyday tasks for which I use WP-CLI, too many to cover here. I’ll focus on those that require looking into docs to perform an informed copy/paste.

Install WordPress

My personal motto is “if you’re going to do it more than once, automate it”, regardless of if you’re doing it often or not.

If often, then you’ll be bored of typing the same thing. If rarely, you’ll always waste the same amount of time to figure out what exactly you need to do. Having a bash script requires only memorising that you have it for this specific task, and then using it.

The traditional way

Assuming you’ve already created new database and have a root folder for your install, installing WordPress contains 3 major steps:

  1. Download and unzip the latest version of WordPress
  2. Create config file with all database credentials
  3. Run the install script

Doing it in the traditional way, requires opening at least two different URLs in your browser, a few directories in your file manager, and one file in your code editor.

The WP-CLI way

Doing it in a terminal with WP-CLI, requires 3 commands:

  1. wp core download
  2. wp config create –dbuser=<DB_USER> –dbpass=<DB_PASSWORD> –dbname=<DB_NAME>
  3. wp core install –url= –title=

The lazy way

Automating it requires one command to run one bash script. I’ll create here a bash script for usage in your local environment, just to illustrate how far we can go with automating.

We’ll use those 3 commands from above. The first one doesn’t need any changes, unless, for some reason, you want an older version, in which case you can use –version flag.

wp core download

The second command needs some modification. First, in my local environment I’ll always have the same database user. With older mySQL versions it was root for me but with the latest update I had to change it to a different user. Regardless, it’s always the same and I can hardcode that value.

On the other hand, I never want to hardcode any important password, and I also don’t want any of those passwords being saved in bash history (which happens if you use WP-CLI –prompt). The solution is to use a silent prompt for bash command read.

The database name will be different for every use case so that one can also be handled by read command.

read -p 'Database name: ' dbname
read -sp 'Database password: ' dbpass
wp config create --dbuser=milana --dbpass=$dbpass --dbname=$dbname --prompt


These three are mandatory parameters and, most of the time, that’s enough for your install. However, if you need more custom settings, you can add –prompt for prompting all the other parameters.

The third command can be completely generated out of these two values we have. In my local environment, the URL is usually the same as the database name, with addition of .loc: –url=”${dbname}.loc”. This same URL can be used for admin user email address:


Website title is not important here, especially if you are going to import a database from a remote website, but the title is a mandatory flag for this command so we can’t skip it. Using a database name will be sufficient: –title=$dbname.

For admin users I usually use admin for both username and password, because in the local environment I don’t really care about secure passwords for users. If you want it more secure for the same amount of work, you can use the database password, or you can put in a bit more effort and add another silent prompt for it.

Now we have something like this:

wp core install --url="${dbname}.loc" --title=$dbname --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin --admin_email="admin@${dbname}.loc"


The script

Putting it all together in a script, we get just a handful of lines that you’ll never have to type again.

Create a new file and call it however you want. Remember, the file name will be a command you’ll run in the terminal. Mine is wp-install. You can add extension .sh but it’s not needed. Copy in the file our 3 commands preceded with Shebang:

wp core download
read -p 'Database name: ' dbname
read -sp 'Database password: ' dbpass
wp config create --dbuser=milana --dbpass=$dbpass --dbname=$dbname --prompt
wp core install --url="http://${dbname}.loc" --title=$dbname --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin --admin_email="admin@${dbname}.loc"

To run it we must make it executable:

chmod +x wp-install

And move it somewhere in our $PATH so that we can execute it in any directory we want. If you don’t know which directories are in your $PATH, you can run echo $PATH and you’ll see the list of all directories where you can send this file. I like to keep my scripts in


mv wp-install ~/bin/wp-install

Now you can run this script just by typing wp-install, and in a few seconds, you’ll have freshly installed WordPress in that directory.

WP Install
WP Install

Now, setting up this script might have taken a bit more time than you want to spend on installing local WordPress but guess what, that task will last only a few seconds from now on.

The beauty of this is that you can extend this script the exact way you want. You can add plugins or themes you frequently use, set specific language, generate dummy content, or you can make it a part of other scripts. The possibilities are endless.



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Scaffold plugin

Now that we have WordPress installed, it’s time to write some code. Before you head off to docs to find that copy/paste code for your plugin or theme, look at help under scaffold command. Chances are you’ll find a command for what you need.

A completely new plugin is just one command away:

wp scaffold plugin --prompt

Scaffold plugin
Scaffold plugin

Parameters for scaffolding the plugin:

  • Slug (mandatory): The internal name of the plugin. Also, the directory name if not overridden by the next argument.
  • Directory name: Put the new plugin in some arbitrary directory path. Plugin directory will be path plus supplied slug.
  • Plugin name: What to put in the ‘Plugin Name:’ header.
  • Plugin description: What to put in the ‘Description:’ header.
  • Plugin author: What to put in the ‘Author:’ header.
  • Plugin author URI: What to put in the ‘Author URI:’ header.
  • Plugin URI: What to put in the ‘Plugin URI:’ header.
  • Skip tests: Don’t generate files for unit testing.
  • CI: Choose a configuration file for a continuous integration provider. Default is Circle.
  • Activate: Activate the newly generated plugin.
  • Activate network: Activate the newly generated plugin for the whole network (if it is multisite).
  • Force: Overwrite files that already exist.

This will not only create a new plugin in your plugins directory, but it will also generate everything you need to start writing your custom code, tests, use npm, and generate translation files.

Custom Code
Everything to start writing your custom code

On top of that, readme.txt file is the readme template used by, so if you want to host your plugin at plugin repository, you’re all set up. All you have to add now is what’s unique to your plugin.

Scaffold CPT

OK, so now can we start writing code? Well, not quite. I want a custom post type (CPT) in this plugin. This is yet another code snippet you would copy/paste from official docs. And yet, it’s right there, available in your terminal with, you guessed it, only one command.

wp scaffold post-type –prompt

Scaffold CPT
Parameters for scaffolding the post type


Parameters for scaffolding the post type:

  • Slug (mandatory): The internal name of the post type.
  • Label: Name of the post type shown in the menu. Usually plural.
  • Textdomain: The textdomain to use for the labels. If not specified, it will take the plugins or themes it’s the part of.
  • Dashicon: The dashicon to use in the menu. Default is admin-post.
  • Theme: Using –theme will add CPT in the active theme; defining a theme slug will place CPT in the provided theme.
  • Plugin: Create a file in the given plugin’s directory. If no theme or plugin is defined, the code will be sent to STDOUT.
  • Raw: Just generate the register_post_type() call and nothing else.
  • Force: Overwrite files that already exist.

Now we have a new directory inside our plugin.

New directory New directory inside our plugin

And to make it work, we need to write the code now. First, we want to prevent direct access to the plugin file and, after that, we will include the file with our CPT code.

// Your code starts here.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
include_once __DIR__ . '/post-types/developers.php';

In only 4 lines of code that we actually wrote, we have a ready to use, fully functional plugin with custom post type.

Rare occasions

Coding in production, anyone? Nobody’s doing it anymore, and for a good reason. In fact, today’s tools and accepted workflows are made to keep you as far away from production as possible and I support that. Really, that’s the smartest thing to do.

However…There are some rare occasions when something has to be done only once and only in production.

Let’s say you need data from an external API to be imported in production. You will do this only once and, after that, the system will just use that data.

Or let’s go further, let’s consider the idea when you must do something that has nothing to do with the project itself. For example, a client asks you to provide them with a list of all users on the website with the company’s email address (because they want a list of staff who have access to the website). You don’t want to do this manually, why would you? Or to spend hours on coding this functionality and going through the whole workflow of GIT pull request and code review, and deployment build. You don’t want this code inside your project’s code base because it has nothing to do with it.

These along with many other reasons, are all valid to do something directly in production, and only once.

The query

The thing I love about WP-CLI is that it can create a very specific query in one command. Doing it with PHP can take 10+ lines of code.

Returning the results of this query inside the loop with PHP can take another 5-10 lines of code, while with WP-CLI we are still in one-liner.

Exporting these results into a file takes, you guessed it, another 5-10 lines of PHP code, while with WP-CLI, you guessed it again, it’s still one line. In fact, with WP-CLI changing the output format is just one parameter. With PHP it’s a bit more complicated.

If I want to list all users and return only their username, display name and email address with WP-CLI, I’d use this command:

wp user list --fields=user_login,user_email,display_name

List all users
List all users and return only username, display name, and email address

The PHP code for the same result is this:

$users = get_users(
'fields' => [

PHP Code
PHP Code

If I want to export this list into CSV file with WP-CLI, all I have to do is to point at a file:

wp user list --fields=user_login,user_email,display_name > users.csv

If the file doesn’t exist, one will be created.

This is what it takes with PHP:

$users = get_users(
'fields' => [
$file = fopen( 'users.csv', 'w' );
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
fputcsv( $file, (array) $user );
fclose( $file );

The rare query

Now that we have established how much faster it is to use WP-CLI for our rare occasion, let’s go back to that unrelated client’s request to export the list of all staff users – users with website’s domain name in their email address.

For this, we’re going to include the search parameters in our query. We want to search for wpcli.loc inside the user_email column.

In PHP that would look like this:

$users = get_users(
'fields' => [
'search' => '*wpcli.loc',
'search_columns' => [

NOTE: You might have noticed by now, but in case you didn’t – WP-CLI uses the same exact parameters as the PHP part of WordPress so you can easily convert one into another.

With WP-CLI it’s still one liner:

wp user list --fields=user_login,user_email,display_name --search=*wpcli.loc --search-columns=user_email

But the problem is it doesn’t return the desired result. It completely ignores the –search-columns=user_email parameter.

WP CLI Search results
Search results

As you can see in the screenshot above, it returns the user that has no wpcli.loc email but has it in the user_url column. Obviously, in this case you can change the search query to *@wpcli.loc and it will give you desired results, but you will never be sure that results are accurate because there are other fields in which this search keyword can appear, one of them being user description.

Combine what’s working

One way to overcome this and still use the fast way for completing the task, is to combine WP-CLI and PHP, using the things that work in each. We’ll use the query from PHP and execution from WP-CLI.

Create a new PHP file in WordPress root.

touch get-users.php

And place our PHP query inside it.

$users = get_users(
'fields' => [
'search' => '*wpcli.loc',
'search_columns' => [
$file = fopen( 'users.csv', 'w' );
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
fputcsv( $file, (array) $user );
fclose( $file );

To execute it, we’ll use WP-CLI:

wp eval-file get-users.php

Create a new PHP file in WordPress root
Create a new PHP file in WordPress root

And it’s done! That’s all it takes. The last thing I don’t like is the lack of feedback. I can’t see if it’s completed or anything that’s happening. Luckily, WP-CLI has an internal API that can help with it.

CLI feedback

First, I want to know that users are being processed. This can be done with WP_CLI::log.

foreach ( $users as $user ) {
WP_CLI::log( sprintf( 'Reading user: %s.', $user->display_name ) );
fputcsv( $file, (array) $user );

Then I want to know if the file has been created.

$filename = 'users.csv';
$file = fopen( $filename, 'w' );
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
WP_CLI::log( sprintf( 'Reading user: %s.', $user->display_name ) );
fputcsv( $file, (array) $user );
fclose( $file );
if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) {
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( 'Failed to create %s file.', $filename ) );
} else {
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( 'Created %s file.', $filename ) );

And finally, I want to see a nice table of all the exported users. For that I’m going to use WP_CLI\Utils\format_items(), and to make it work I’ll change a few things in existing code.

First parameter is $format and for that I want to use a table.

WP_CLI\Utils\format_items( 'table', $items, $fields );

Second parameter is $items, an array of arrays where each array is one user.

$items = [];
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
WP_CLI::log( sprintf( 'Reading user: %s.', $user->display_name ) );
fputcsv( $file, (array) $user );
$items[] = (array) $user;

And the last parameter, $fields, is an array of table headings for which we can use the same things WP-CLI does – field names (or database columns names).

$fields = [
$users = get_users(
'fields' => $fields,
'search' => '*wpcli.loc',
'search_columns' => [

The whole file now looks like this:

* Get all users with `wpcli.loc` in their email address
* and export them to `users.csv` file.
* Execute this script with:
* wp eval-file get-users.php
$fields = [
$users = get_users(
'fields' => $fields,
'search' => '*wpcli.loc',
'search_columns' => [
$filename = 'users.csv';
$file = fopen( $filename, 'w' );
$items = [];
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
WP_CLI::log( sprintf( 'Reading user: %s.', $user->display_name ) );
fputcsv( $file, (array) $user );
$items[] = (array) $user;
fclose( $file );
if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) {
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( 'Failed to create %s file.', $filename ) );
} else {
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( 'Created %s file. Following users have been exported:', $filename ) );
WP_CLI\Utils\format_items( 'table', $items, $fields );

Now we have a useful script with feedback about progress and status.

Useful script with feedback about progress and status.t
A useful script with feedback about progress and status.

You can go further and make it more refined, cover more error cases, even run WP-CLI commands from this script.

You can also easily import users from this file into another WordPress website (or the same if needed) with wp user import-csv command.



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Whether you’re a seasoned WordPress developer or you get occasional WordPress projects every once in a while, WP-CLI is a tool worth looking at and trying out. It will provide you with everything you need to start coding that custom feature, including testing suite, task runner, translation files and all of that by following recommended best practices and WordPress coding standards.

Combining it with other CLI tools and PHP makes it even more powerful in a way that it can perform tedious and complex tasks with such precision and speed, you will wonder how you could ever live without it. Development before WP-CLI? I don’t even remember it.

The post Simplify WordPress Development with WP-CLI appeared first on International PHP Conference.

Mastering Laravel Admin Panels: The Power of Filament Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:26:19 +0000 When searching for a good PHP administration panel, it's hard to tell your options apart. They're all open source, they all look professional and modern and they all offer a wealth of features and plug-ins. Thanks to Filament, developers can now end their search with Laravel.

The post Mastering Laravel Admin Panels: The Power of Filament appeared first on International PHP Conference.


The Filament framework provides a modern UI and a very extensive variety of features and components. It enables perfect, smooth integration into any Laravel project. Developers can benefit from the outstanding developer experience that they’ve come to expect from the Laravel universe. But can the framework fulfil all the requirements of your admin panel and also guarantee sustainable, scalable integration? We’ll address these questions and more in this article.

A home match for Laravel developers

Laravel [1] has been established as one of the most popular PHP frameworks in recent years thanks to its extensive features, good developer experience and great community support. Filament [2] builds on Laravel’s foundation and offers an extensive selection of user-friendly components for creating a powerful administration panel. The familiar convenience that developers appreciate so much about Laravel isn’t neglected. This is because the technical basis of the framework is the TALL stack [3], which is made up of four web technologies:

  • Tailwind CSS: the modern, utility-based CSS framework [4]
  • Alpine.js: the lightweight JavaScript library [5]
  • Laravel : the popular PHP framework with a wide range of functions and tools
  • Livewire: a Laravel library that simplifies development of interactive, dynamic web applications with server-side rendering [6]

This stack is already used in many popular applications and websites in the Laravel ecosystem. It’s a very good basis and Laravel enthusiasts will feel right at home. You can get started on development without any major hurdles.


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Even without any prior knowledge, Filament makes it very easy to get started with the framework. The modern, colourful website at presents an extensive live demo of the framework’s many components and possibilities (Fig. 1). A glance at the detailed documentation makes us want to get started with development ourselves.

Fig. 1: Live demo on

A finished admin panel in under a minute?!

Once the framework is installed and the first components are created, the tagline “Accelerated Laravel Development” from the website becomes clear (Fig. 2).

Once a Laravel project is set up and started, it takes less than a minute to integrate Filament into the project and for the first user to log in.

Fig. 2: Accelerated Laravel Development with Filament

So let’s get started! As usual, we install the package with Composer:

composer require filament/filament:"^3.2" -W

So far, so good! Anyone with Laravel experience knows that the framework offers a variety of Artisan commands to automatically create components and execute other processes over the command line. After intalling Filament, this command set is extended to install components specifically for Filament (Listing 1).

filament:install                      Install Filament.
make:filament-page                    Create a new Filament page class and view
make:filament-panel                   Create a new Filament panel
make:filament-relation-manager        Create a new Filament relation manager
make:filament-resource                Create a new Filament resource class
make:filament-user                    Create a new Filament user

Let’s use one of these commands directly to install filament together with our first panel:

php artisan filament:install --panels

After a few seconds, installation is complete. In order to log in to our panel, we need a user. Filament uses our Laravel project’s user model by default. But if we don’t have any entries in our users-table, we can easily create one with the following command:

php artisan make:filament-user

Et voilà! In less than a minute, we’ve created a complete administration panel with authentication, an initial test user, a dashboard page, a few widgets, and even an integrated dark mode. Once we’ve logged in using the automatically generated log-in form, we see a minimalist, well-designed dashboard that we want to fill with content. But how can that be? We haven’t written a single line of code or edited any configuration files, defined routes, created views or customised environment variables. Nevertheless, everything works out-of-the-box. If we look at our project structure, apart from a few JavaScript components, we only see a single PHP file that has been added to our project: app/Providers/Filament/UserPanelProvider.php. Let’s take a closer look.


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The PanelProvider – The heart of Filament

The PanelProvider is the core of every Filament dashboard. It tells Laravel that this panel is now active in our project. During installation, we were asked to name our first panel, which we called user (Listing 2).

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel {
  return $panel
    ->colors(['primary' => Color::Amber])
    // ... 

A quick look at the clear and easy-to-read class quickly reveals why everything worked so smoothly. All important settings needed for our panel’s functionality are defined here using meaningful methods. These include the path where our panel can be accessed (/user) and the middleware used to authenticate our users. Here, Filament simply used the existing Laravel authentication, which is exactly what we wanted. Of course, default settings can be customised and extended according to our project requirements.

The default() method defines that this panel is our default panel. Since Filament version 3, you can run several panels in parallel in one project. A corresponding PanelProvider with its own authentication, pages and components is created for each user type, e.g. an AdminPanelProvider for administrators and a UserPanel for users, administrators and a UserPanelProvider for end customers. But for today, one panel is enough. So let’s start filling it with life.

One resource to rule them all

There’s currently only one user in the database. We created it earlier with the command line. Now we’d like to create more users who can use the dashboard. We’ll need the corresponding pages, tables, forms, and routes to implement the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for our user model. Our first filament resource forms the basis.

A resource corresponds to an eloquent model in our Laravel project. So, we create a corresponding UserResource for the user- model. Of course, Filament also provides a simple Artisan command:

php artisan make:filament-resource User --view

And with that, we’re (almost) finished. Besides the UserResource.php file, Filament’s magic created a few more components:

  • a CreateUser – page with a form for creating new users
  • an EditUser – page with a form for editing users
  • a ViewUser- page for viewing a user
  • a ListUsers– page for displaying all users
  • all necessary routes and URLs
  • a link in the navigation to the ListUsers page.

In other words, it’s everything we need, and all with a single command line call. Let’s take a moment to appreciate how many days or weeks of programming we’ve just been relieved of. The only thing we need to do now is define which of the form’s fields and columns in the table should be displayed. A simple user resource might look like Listing 3.

class UserResource extends Resource {

  protected static ?string $model = User::class;

  public static function form(Form $form): Form {
    return $form->schema([

  public static function table(Table $table): Table {
    return $table

  public static function getPages(): array {
    return [
      'index' => Pages\ListUsers::route('/'),
      'create' => Pages\CreateUser::route('/create'),
      'edit' => Pages\EditUser::route('/{record}/edit'),
      'view' => Pages\ViewUser::route('/{record}/view'),

This means that CRUD implementation of our UserModel is already complete and we can move on to the next model. But we want to embellish it a little more and optimise our dashboard’s user experience. With the UserResource as the basis, we can configure the forms and tables as we wish. We have many components at our disposal for this, which the Filament documentation covers in detail [7], including detailed tutorials and application examples.


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Creating tables

The table object in our UserResource gives us control over our table’s appearance and functionalities.The most important components for displaying individual table fields are the columns. Depending on the table field the corresponding column type, e.g. TextColumn, IconColumn or ImageColumn. The corresponding properties for the table field are defined using configuration methods (Listing 4).

public static function table(Table $table): Table {
    TextColumn::make('created_at')->dateTime('d.m.Y H:i')->sortable(),
  ->paginated([25, 50, 'all'])

For example, the dateTime value created_at can be converted to a European format, the email field can be displayed as a badge or the active flag can be displayed in the form of a green tick or red X using IconColumn. It’s especially noteworthy that with the searchable() method on the name and email fields, we can perform a full-text search on the user model without having to write complex queries. What takes many hours of work in other systems, Filament can solve in just 14 characters of source code.

We can further restrict the search with filters defined with the filters() method. It’s just as easy to make individual columns sortable with the sortable() method or implement pagination for the entire table with paginated() (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3: UserResource table

There are practically no limits. Even if existing columns aren’t sufficient, you can create custom columns where you can define logic, including your own view. The full range of functions and the table components’ performance cannot be covered in full here. I refer you to the excellent documentation at

Creating forms

The most important part of CRUD operations are forms to create and edit data. These can also be easily mapped in the Filament resource using the form() methodand the form object(Listing 5).

public static function form(Form $form): Form {
  return $form->schema([

The schema is adopted by default for the Create and Edit forms, although this can be overwritten individually on the CreateUser and EditUser pages. After all, the same fields are not always required in both forms (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4: Edit Form of UserResource

Depending on the type of the respective form field, you can now choose from a variety of input fields such as text input, drop-down, radio button, date-time picker, tags, rich text editor, and many more. Filament lacks nothing here and surprises with a clever and elegant implementation for every component.

Implementation allows you to configure each field according to your wishes. These configuration options are also explained in detail in the documentation.


The components provide a variety of helper methods for validating the forms. Laravel fans will be delighted, as these are modelled on Laravel’s existing validation rules. So, in addition to simple rules like required and string, more complicated ones like required_without_al l, are also available in the form of the requiredWithoutAll() method.

The Grid, Fieldset, and Tab classes are available to customise the form’s layout, allowing you to arrange the input fields in different ways. The Wizard class can be used to create a complete wizard with several steps without making the code more complex or confusing.

One particularly powerful tool is the FileUpload class, which lets us upload several files at once without much effort. When dealing with image files, we can use the imageEditor() method to activate a complete image processing tool.

There’s an image processing tool we can use to apply filters, crop, or scale each image directly after uploading (Listing 6). File and image image processing has never been so easy!

  ->label('Bilder hochladen')
  ->acceptedFileTypes(['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'])

It is definitely worth taking a look at the documentation here. You’ll be surprised at what Filament’s developers thought of. And if you can’t find something, there’s a good chance that other users have already written a plug-in that can be found on the Filament website and (mostly) downloaded for free.

php artisan make:filament-page Settings

With this command, we create an empty settings page that’s automatically integrated into our navigation and gives our creativity free rein. As Laravel/Livewire developers, our work is made even easier. If you rummage through the source code and take a closer look at the BasePage class, where our new settings page inherits, you’ll notice that behind the variety of functionalities and the framework’s magic, there is simply a normal Livewire component:

Creating customised pages

By creating the UserResource, we’ve already learned about different types of pages. By default, Filament provides pages such as ListRecords, CreateRecord, EditRecord, and ViewRecord to process our data. Although these are enough for implementing the CRUD functionalities, as creative developers we quickly reach the point where we want to integrate something of our own into our new dashboard. Filament lets us to create customised pages for this:

abstract class BasePage extends Livewire\Component { /* ... */ }

This is extremely good news, since we benefit from the advantages of both worlds. We have access to the many Filament tools like forms, tables, widgets, and actions. We also utilise the full power and flexibility of Livewire and can define our blade.php view and work in the usual Livewire manner with the render() and mount() methods to implement our own logic (Listing 7).

class Settings extends Page {

  protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.settings';

  public function mount(): void {

  public function render(): View {

Although Filament already covers the majority of our requirements with its components, implementing custom pages through CustomPages offers maximum freedom and flexibility in designing our dashboard.

The ability to work as usual and not have to get used to a completely new architecture makes it very easy to get started with the framework and speeds up development immensely.


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Creating actions

In the world of Filament, actions describe the ability to interact with the panel using a button or link, whether to perform operations on a page, edit a record, or simply call up a URL. Some of these actions were already added automatically when we created our resource (Listing 8).

public static function table(Table $table): Table {
  return $table
  // ... 

In addition to these ready-made actions, we also have the option of defining our own actions. For this, the action class also offers a variety of auxiliary methods where we can precisely define their appearance and functionality.

Let’s assume we want to create a green button for each user record in our table with which we can activate this user. But before the operation is executed, a modal should appear for confirmation. The button should only be displayed if the user is not yet activated.

If we wanted to develop this feature from scratch, it could become fairly complex, especially due to a delayed execution of the operation after confirmation from the modal. Even experienced full-stack developers would probably need a few hours to work out a sustainable architecture for this process and implement it. In Filament, the implementation looks like Listing 9. An elegant, minimalist, easy-to-read implementation of a fairly complex logic. This is what makes software development fun.

  ->hidden(function (User $record): bool {
    return (bool) $record->active;
  ->action(function (User $record): bool {
    return $record->update(['active' => true]);

The RelationManager – Visualisation of Laravel relationships

Laravel offers an elegant way to work with linked tables with the Eloquent Relationships. If a user has several posts, this is implemented with a HasMany relationship in the form of a posts() method in the user model. You don’t need to define complicated SQL queries or joins. Here too, Filament utilises this simple implementation to implement the representation of linked records of a resource elegantly in the form of the RelationManager.

The RelationManagers are implemented in a resource and displayed as a table on the record’s view and edit page. An Artisan command also exists for creating a RelationManager:

php artisan make:filament-relation-manager UserResource posts title

This creates the PostsRelationManager.php file. As we;ve passed our UserResource, the relation posts that we’ll use and the attribute title the table will display as parameters to the command, the RelationManager knows directly where it gets its data from and how to display it. This way, we can create any number of RelationManagers for all existing HasMany or ManyToMany model relations. For the documents relation of our user model, this would be a DocumentsRelationManager.php. Now we just have to tell our UserResource that it should also use these relations (Listing 10).

public static function getRelations(): array {
  return [

Even if this is getting a bit boring, there’s nothing more for us to do. For each of these RelationManagers, a tab is rendered in the view. Behind that, there’s a table of the corresponding linked records, together with automatically generated action buttons for creating, editing, and deleting the entries (Fig. 5). So we don’t have to write a single line of code to process the user’s posts. Filament’s magic does this automatically based on underlying Laravel conventions.

Fig. 5: Displaying linked records with a RelationManager

The structure of a RelationManager class is very similar to a resource. Here we also have the same options for configuring the class to add additional columns to the table, add new functions or buttons, adjust the title in the tab with heading(), or adjust the Eloquent Query of the underlying relation with modifyQueryUsing() to filter the list of data records in advance (Listing 11).

class PostsRelationManager extends RelationManager
  protected static string $relationship = 'posts';

  public function table(Table $table): Table {
    return $table
    ->modifyQueryUsing(function (Builder $query) {
      return $query->where('status', 'new');

Testing Filament components

To ensure that our admin panel continues to function smoothly in the future, it’s advisable to write feature tests for the individual components. But Laravel or Livewire developers are also picked up directly here. Since most Filament components are based on Livewire, they can be tested just as elegantly and easily. For this, the existing practical testing helpers from Livewire have been extended to test the various functionalities of Filament’s forms, tables, and actions. This way, we can check whether our activateUser-action has the desired effect or if the sorting in our user table works. Incidentally, the test environment is based on PestPHP [8], a very good testing framework from the Laravel universe (Listing 12). But it is not a prerequisite for writing tests for Filament – PHPUnit can also be used as usual.

it('can activate users', function () {
  $user = User::factory()->create(['active' => false]);
    ->callTableAction('activateUser', $user);

it('can sort users by name', function () {
  $users = User::factory()->count(10)->create();
  ->sortTable('name', 'desc')
  ->assertCanSeeTableRecords($users->sortByDesc('name'), inOrder: true);

Great power comes with great responsibility

By now, it should be clear. Filament takes a lot of work off our hands thanks to its powerful components and outstanding developer experience. We only have to write a small amount of PHP code, define SQL queries, build complex architectures, or create blade views manually. This undoubtedly speeds up development, but it doesn’t only have advantages. Ultimately, we transfer considerable responsibility to the framework. We configure our project and rely on Filament to do the rest based on its conventions. Of course, this can lead to problems.


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Here’s a specific example. Suppose we want to add a column to our UserResource table. But instead of using a conventional database field like before, we use an eloquent attribute from our user model. These attributes are generated dynamically and can contain complex logic depending on the use case, for example, by accessing a HasMany relation. But we’d also like to create a select drop-down menu for each entry in the table, whose options are also generated dynamically from values in the database. If the table’s pagination is set to SHOW ALL when the page is called up, this could lead to triggering over 1,000 database queries (this example is based on real events). Although we hardly wrote any code, we managed to implement processes that place an unnecessarily high load on our production system under the wrong circumstances.

The simple application of the framework often obscures how much complexity is actually behind some components. It’s advisable to use tools like Laravel Debugbar [9] or Laravel Telescope [10] to server requests, database queries, and the platform’s general performance during development. This way, we can check our code’s complexity before we deploy the new feature to the production environment.

Flexibility through complexity

In our experience with Filament, it’s clear that we can already cover the majority of use cases by consistently adhering to the framework conventions. However, for exceptional situations where standard tools aren’t enough, Filament gives us the option to overwrite the existing logic and implement our own. For example, we can customise the query for saving a data set or to set special values only under certain conditions. This is possible because the component’s helper methods can accept a closure as a parameter. We’ve already used this logic when creating our activateUser action (Listing 9). So instead of using a string or Boolean as a parameter, we can define a complex logic, wrap it in a closure, and then pass it to the method. For instance, if we only want to make an EditAction visible to administrators, we can implement this as seen in Listing 13.

// Definition of method in Filament code
public function visible(bool | Closure $condition = true): static { 
  $this->isVisible = $condition;
  return $this;

->visible(function () {
  return auth()->user()->is_admin; 

As powerful as this approach is, it opens the door to errors, poor readability, and unclean code. Depending on the passed closure’s complexity, elegant implementation can quickly become unreadable spaghetti code. It’s all the more important to outsource more complex processes to keep the code base clear and clean.

Accelerated Laravel Development

The slogan Filament advertises on its website lives up to its promise. I’ve already developed several projects with the framework over the past few years and am always impressed by how much work is taken off my hands thanks to the wide range of components and the uncomplicated application. After implementing a ticket, I was often amazed when I only needed half the estimated time to realise a complex feature.

The excellent documentation, simple learning curve, and rapid success in implementing new features make working with the framework really fun. Even new developers quickly get a feel for the software and can get started straight away without extensive familiarisation. Not even much experience in front-end topics such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript is required. Solid PHP and Laravel knowledge is completely sufficient and already lets you enable the realisation of a large part of your requirements for an admin panel. And for everything else, a quick look at the Livewire or Tailwind documentation is often enough.

When implementing more complex processes that aren’t described in the documentation, things can sometimes get a little bumpy. This is because it’s not always immediately clear which method you need to use to overwrite the default logic or which parameters the closure requires for the component to function properly. At this point, you’ll often find yourself rummaging through individual classes in the vendor/filament folder to familiarise yourself with the implementation and the magic behind the framework. Practice makes perfect. An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of Filament is summarised in Table 1.

Advantages Disadvantages
Very good documentation Freedom and flexibility invite you to write unclean code
Simple learning curve and quick success intransparent “Magic” can influence performance
Good addition to the Laravel-ecosystem
Very good developer experience
Wide variety of components
Hardly any front-end skills necessary
Many plugins and extension
Lots of articles and tutorials
Large community

Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of Filament


In my many years as a web developer, I’ve worked with several admin panels. Although all of them somehow fulfilled their purpose, I don’t remember any of them as a perfect solution. The limits of these panels often quickly became apparent when the complex requirements could only be implemented by leveraging the predefined logic or by hacking configuration files.

And even Laravel Nova [11], the official administration panel from Laravel, couldn’t fully convince me for several reasons.

It was only with Filament that I felt I found a panel that was suitable for a quick start and would also accompany the development of the entire platform in the long term. The framework provides a solid foundation that is not only ready for immediate use, but also flexible enough to meet growing requirements and challenges for the future.

To summarise, I clearly recommend Filament. Especially for Laravel developers, the framework is the perfect complement to Laravel’s elegant implementation and simple workflows. But even for PHP purists, a look at Filament is definitely worthwhile. It’s a prime example of how simple and efficient modern web development can be.


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Symfony 7 Released: Focuses on Streamlining and Future Features Tue, 30 Apr 2024 08:50:50 +0000 Symfony 7, the latest major release for the popular PHP framework, is here! This release prioritizes internal housekeeping and prepares your applications for upcoming features. While it doesn't introduce new functionalities, Symfony 7 offers a smoother path to future advancements.

The post Symfony 7 Released: Focuses on Streamlining and Future Features appeared first on International PHP Conference.


Major Symfony releases like version 7 typically address cleanup and deprecate outdated features. New features are introduced in minor releases, with Symfony 6.4 being the latest example. This release schedule ensures stability for applications on long-term support releases. Upgrading to Symfony 7 is recommended for those who want to leverage the features coming in Symfony 7.1, which is expected by the end of May.

Symfony 7 does offer some improvements under the hood. It removes the previously deprecated templating functionalities for PHP-based templates, focusing solely on Twig engine support. Additionally, the release introduces a few new components to enhance development workflows.

  • WebHook and Remote Event: This component simplifies receiving notifications from external systems and managing how your application responds to them.
  • Scheduler: Schedule tasks to run periodically in the background without affecting your application’s performance.
  • Asset Mapper: This component makes it easy to manage your application’s assets. It versions assets for efficient browser caching and utilizes the import map API, allowing modern browsers to import JavaScript files directly, eliminating the need for a bundler.


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Migrating your application to Symfony 7 is relatively straightforward. By addressing any deprecated code usage flagged by your profiler or static analysis tools, you’re well on your way. Additionally, ensure your dependencies are compatible with Symfony 7. Upgrading them or contributing to their compatibility might be necessary. Finally, thorough testing after the upgrade is crucial.

In essence, Symfony 7 lays the groundwork for future innovations. Upgrading now ensures a smoother transition to the exciting features coming in Symfony 7.1 and beyond. Don’t hesitate to explore the new components and leverage Symfony’s open-source nature to contribute to its ongoing development!


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Unlocking PHP 8.3 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 09:02:41 +0000 The final version of PHP 8.3 was released recently in November of 2023. As with every year, there are a number of new features and bug fixes, as well as deprecations and breaking changes that need to be considered before updating to PHP 8.3.

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The highlight of every new version is, of course, the new features. They often help us to simplify our code and program more securely. Version 8.3 also includes a few adjustments that allow PHP to provide us with better error handling and enable us to keep an even closer eye on our code. This article is intended to provide an overview of the most important changes. A complete overview of all major and minor changes can be found in the official release notes [1].

Cloning of readonly classes

You want to clone an object, but instead you only get an error message from PHP. Anyone who uses the readonly properties of PHP 8.1 or the readonly classes of PHP 8.2 may already be familiar with this problem. This behavior has been adjusted in PHP 8.3. In the magic method __clone, readonly properties of an object can now be overwritten (Listing 1) [2].

class PHP {
  public string $version = '8.3';
readonly class Foo {
  public function __construct(
    public PHP $php
  ) {}
  public function __clone(): void {
    $this->php = clone $this->php;
$instance = new Foo(new PHP());
$cloned = clone $instance;
$cloned->php->version = '8.3'; 


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Type-safe constants in classes

Constants are a convenient tool for storing and retrieving fixed values. Once defined, they provide a reliable source of consistently identical data, which is not the case in PHP. A child class can overwrite the constant of a parent class. And not only that, since constants could not previously have a type, a string in a parent class could become an array in the child class, for example. This problem has since been addressed in PHP 8.3 and you can define the class constants in a type-safe way (Listing 2) [3].

interface I {
  const string VERSION = '1.0.0';
class Foo implements I {
  const string VERSION = [];
// Fatal error: Cannot use array as value
// for class constant Foo::PHP of type string 

Dynamic call of class constants

Let’s stick with the topic of class constants, up until now, these could only be called dynamically in a roundabout way. To do this, you had to use the constant() method, as a direct dynamic call was previously not possible here. Luckily, PHP 8.3 has been adapted accordingly. Constants can now be called dynamically with the same syntax as we already know from the dynamic call of class properties. However, this change not only applies to constants, but has also been implemented for the enums introduced in PHP 8.1 (Listing 3) [4].

class Foo {
  const PHP = 'PHP 8.3';
$searchableConstant = 'PHP';


#[\Override] attribute

With the new #[\Override] attribute, child class methods can be marked to emphasize the deliberate overriding of a method of the parent class. Incidentally, this allows errors in the method definition to be intercepted, as PHP 8.3 issues an error if this method doesn’t exist in the parent class. So instead of looking for an error why the method you want to overwrite is not called, for example, because of a typo in the name, PHP now provides error messages to clearly indicate any issues with method definitions. Additionally, if you modify a parent class and inadvertently remove a method that has been overridden by a child class, you will now be notified with an error message (Listing 4) [5].

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class MyTest extends TestCase {
  protected $logFile;
  protected function setUp(): void {
    $this->logFile = fopen('/tmp/logfile', 'w');
  protected function taerDown(): void {
// Fatal error: MyTest::taerDown() has #[\Override] attribute,
// but no matching parent method exists 

json_validate() function

JSON is the method of choice in many interfaces when it comes to data exchange. So it’s quite surprising that you can’t avoid parsing a JSON string in PHP to validate it and check whether an error has occurred. That’s no longer the case with PHP 8.3, where there is the new json_validate() method to check whether it is valid JSON before further use. So if you are not interested in the content, but only in the fact that the JSON is valid, you have a new method here that also works more efficiently than a json_decode(), which was previously the only way to check [6], [7]:

var_dump(json_validate('{ "test": { "foo": "bar" } }')); // true

New Randomizer::getBytesFromString() method

With the random extension introduced in PHP 8.2, PHP has taken a real and important step towards cryptographically correct random methods. PHP 8.3 introduced the new method Randomizer::getBytesFromString(), which is passed a string of arbitrary characters that should make up the randomly generated string (Listing 5) [8], [9].

// A \Random\Engine may be passed for seeding,
// the default is the secure engine.
$randomizer = new \Random\Randomizer();
$randomDomain = sprintf(
echo $randomDomain; 


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New Randomizer::getFloat() and Randomizer::nextFloat() methods

In addition to the getBytesFromString() method, the Randomizer class now has two more methods which return a random float. Randomizer::getFloat() returns a random float whose limits can be defined as desired using the parameters $min and $max; a third parameter can be used to specify whether or not the limit values should be included in the pool of expected random numbers. Randomizer::nextFloat(), on the other hand, returns a float between 0 and 1 and is therefore equivalent to Randomizer::getFloat(0,1, \Random\IntervalBoundary::ClosedOpen) (Listing 6) [10], [11].

$randomizer = new \Random\Randomizer();
$temperature = $randomizer->getFloat(
$chanceForTrue = 0.1;
// Randomizer::nextFloat() is equivalent to
// Randomizer::getFloat(0, 1, \Random\IntervalBoundary::ClosedOpen).
// The upper bound, i.e. 1, will not be returned.
$myBoolean = $randomizer->nextFloat() < $chanceForTrue; 

PHP linter with support for multiple files

A practical command on the command line is php -l. This can be used to check any PHP file for syntax errors. With PHP 8.3, it is now possible to validate not just one, but any number of files at once. Not much has changed in terms of the output; for each additional file, an additional line is output to indicate whether the file contains syntax errors or not [12]:

php -l foo.php bar.php
No syntax errors detected in foo.php
No syntax errors detected in bar.php

New classes, interfaces and functions

Of course, these are not all the changes that PHP 8.3 has to offer, but they are definitely the most important in the daily life of a PHP developer [13]. The DOM classes DOMElement, DOMNode, DOMNameSpaceNode and DOMParentNode have received new additional helper methods to simplify navigation in the DOM of HTML and XML documents. IntlCalendar has received new helpers to set date and time, and IntlGregorianCalendar has received two new methods to create a calendar based on a date and time. With mb_str_pad there is a function that works analogously to str_pad, but supports multibytestrings. To increment and decrement an alphanumeric string, you can use the str_increment and str_decrement functions from PHP 8.3 onwards.

Deprecations and breaking changes

In the latest version of PHP, there are again deprecations that will be removed in later versions, but there are also a few changes that alter the functionality of existing code [14]. Incorrect data when using PHP’s Date/Time extension has previously led to warnings or errors in the form of \Exception or \Error. These were not always easy to handle, as no specific exceptions were thrown. This changes with PHP 8.3, for example, there is now a general DateException for all errors caused by dates that generate an error when parsing. The DateException is implemented in several child exceptions such as the DateInvalidTimeZoneException. When initializing an empty array with a negative index n, PHP 8.3 ensures that the next key is not 0 but n + 1.


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Outlook for PHP 8.4

Of course, the PHP developers aren’t just standing around after version 8.3’s release. The first changes for PHP 8.4 have already been announced [15]. For example, the parsing of HTML5 documents with the DOM extension is to be simplified and there are a few changes to the just-in-time compiler. BCrypt, the hashing algorithm used by PHP to hash passwords, is to become more expensive by making it more difficult to crack passwords. With mb_trim, trim is also finally getting a sister function that can work with multi-byte strings.

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Serde for PHP 8: How Functional Purity Drives Serde’s Architecture Thu, 11 Jan 2024 08:27:45 +0000 Delve into the world of Serde and Crell with Larry Garfield, the PHP expert who created this unique and versatile library. Larry currently works as a staff engineer at LegalZoom but has worked at, written books on PHP, and contributed to the Drupal 8 Web Services initiative to create the modern PHP we're familiar with today. We caught up with Larry to talk about Serde and its supporting libraries. Read on and learn everything you need to know about Serde and Crell.

The post Serde for PHP 8: How Functional Purity Drives Serde’s Architecture appeared first on International PHP Conference.


IPC-Team: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today, Larry. Can you introduce yourself for our readers?

Larry Garfield: Hi, I’m Larry Garfield, 20+ year PHP veteran. I’ve worked on a couple of different Free Software projects, and currently work as a Staff Engineer for LegalZoom. I am also a leading member of the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG).

IPC-Team: Congratulations on the recent release of Serde 1.0.0. How did Serde come about and what was your motivation?

Larry Garfield: Serde came out of a need I had while working for TYPO3, the German Free Software CMS. I wanted a tool to help transition TYPO3 from giant global array blobs for all configuration toward well-typed, explicitly defined objects. Translating arrays into objects is basically a serialization problem, so rather than do something one-off I figured it was a good task for serialization.

I first looked at Symfony Serializer, as TYPO3 already uses a number of Symfony components and it was generally regarded as the most robust option. Unfortunately, after spending multiple weeks trying to coax it into doing what I needed I determined that is just couldn’t. It didn’t have the structure-manipulation features I needed, and its architecture was simply too convoluted to make adding it feasible. That meant I had to build my own.

After some initial experimentation of my own, I looked into Rust’s Serde crate, as it’s generally regarded as the best serializer on the market. Rust, of course, is not the same as PHP, but I was still able to draw a lot of ideas from it. For instance, Crell/Serde is streaming, like Rust’s Serde. It doesn’t have a unified in-memory intermediate representation (necessarily), but there is a fixed set of “low level” types that exporters and importers can map to. (That list is smaller for PHP than for Rust, naturally.)


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It took a few months, but I was able to get Crell/Serde to do nearly everything I needed it to for TYPO3. Most especially, I’m very happy with the data restructuring capabilities it has. That is, the serialized form of an object doesn’t have to be precisely the same as the in-memory object. There’s robust rules for automatically changing that structure in controlled ways when serializing and deserializing. For instance, a set of 10 JSON properties can be grouped up into three different object properties, with changed names in PHP to avoid prefixes and such, automatically. That was important for TYPO3, because the old array structures had a lot of legacy debt in their design, and this was an opportunity to clean that up.

Along the way, Serde also spawned two supporting libraries: Crell/fp and Crell/AttributeUtils. The latter is where a lot of Serde’s power lives, in fact, in its ability to power nearly everything through PHP attributes. That functionality is now available to any library to use, not just Serde.

In the end, TYPO3 chose not to pursue the array-to-object transition after all. But since it’s an Open Source organization, the code was already written and could be released. After I left TYPO3, I polished the library up a bit further, added a few more features, and released it.

IPC-Team: Serde shares its name with the Serde framework used with Rust, was that an inspiration? Have the two ever been confused?

Larry Garfield: As noted above, yes, it’s definitely named in honor of Rust Serde and drew from its design. So far the name similarity hasn’t been an issue. I did have someone on Mastodon complain that my name choice was going to hurt SEO, but so far that doesn’t seem to have been an issue. It’s too late to change it anyway. 🙂

“Despite all of its power and flexibility, Serde is pretty fast. The last time I benchmarked it, it was faster than Symfony Serializer on the same tasks, despite having more features and options.”

IPC-Team: What formats does Serde support?

Larry Garfield: As of 1.0.0, Crell/Serde can round-trip (serialize and deserialize) PHP arrays, JSON, YAML, and CSV. It can also serialize to JSON and CSV in a streaming-fashion. I have a working branch on XML support, but that’s considerably more challenging and I suspect XML may be better handled in a different approach than a general purpose serializer.

I would like to add support for TOML, and there has been interest in it, but so far we’ve not found any existing TOML 1.0 parsers for PHP, only for the old 0.4 format. If someone made a good 1.0-compatible library, plugging that into Serde should be pretty simple.


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Serde is entirely modular, so new formats can be added by third parties easily. That said, I’m happy to colocate supportable formats in Serde itself. Ease of setup and use is a key goal for the project.

IPC-Team: What sets Serde apart from the competition?

Larry Garfield: I think Serde excels in a number of areas.

  • a. As mentioned, the data-restructuring capabilities are beyond anything else in PHP right now, as far as I’m aware. I think it may even be more flexible than Rust Serde in some ways.
  • b. Support for streaming JSON and CSV output. Combined with the ability to read from generators in PHP, that means Serde has effectively no maximum on the size of data it can serialize.
  • c. It’s “batteries included.” Symfony Serializer is a bit tricky to setup if you’re using it outside of the Symfony framework itself. There’s lots of exposed moving parts. Serde can be used by just instantiating one class and using it. It can be configured in more robust ways, but for just getting started it’s trivially easy to use.
  • d. Despite all of its power and flexibility, Serde is pretty fast. The last time I benchmarked it, it was faster than Symfony Serializer on the same tasks, despite having more features and options. If you don’t need Serde’s capabilities than a purpose-build lightweight hydrator would still be faster, but in most cases Serde will be fast enough to just use and move on. It also has natural places to hook in and provide custom serialization for certain objects, which can be purpose-built and faster than the general pipeline.
  • e. “Scopes” support. Symfony Serializer also supports multiple ways of serializing an object through serialization groups, which are very similar. The way Serde ties in attributes, however, gives it even more flexibility, and I am not aware of any other serializer besides Serde and Symfony that have that ability.
  • f. This is more of a personal victory, but Serde is about 99% functionally pure. It follows the functional principles of immutable variables, functionally pure methods, statelessness, etc., even though it’s overall object-oriented. Really holding to that line helped drive the architecture in a very good place, and is one of the reasons Serde is so extensible.

IPC-Team: What are some of the advantages of using Serde for serialization and deserialization in PHP applications?

Larry Garfield: I see Crell/Serde as a good fit any time unstructured data is coming into an application. It is always better to be working with well-structured, well-typed objects than array blobs. Because Serde is so robust and fast, it’s straightforward to “guard” everywhere data is coming into the application (from an HTTP request, config file, database, REST response from another service, etc.) with a deserialization layer that ensures you have well-structured, typed, autocompletable data to work with. That can drastically cut down on the amount of error handling needed elsewhere the application.


The same is true when sending requests. Rather than manually build up an array to pass to some API call (as many API bridges expect you to do), you can build up a well-structured object, using all of the good OOP techniques you already know (typed properties, methods, etc.), and then dump that to JSON or a PHP array at the last second before sending it over the wire. That ensures you have the right structured data every time; your PHP code wouldn’t even run otherwise.

IPC-Team: What are some of the Serde’s limitations?

Larry Garfield: As mentioned, XML and TOML support are still pending. I’ve had someone ask about binary formats like protobuf, and I think that could probably be done, but I’ve not tried.

There are some edge cases some users have reported around the data restructuring logic when using “boxed” value objects. For instance, a “Name” class that contains just a string and an “Email” class that contains just a string, both of which are then properties on an object to serialize. That’s only partially supported right now, although I’m working on ways to improve it. Hopefully it will be resolved by the time you read this.

Crell/Serde also supports only objects. It cannot serialize directly from or to arrays or primitives. In practice I don’t think that’s a big issue, as “turning unstructured data into structured objects” is the entire reason it exists.

IPC-Team: How do you recommend getting started with Serde and how can someone get involved with the community?

Larry Garfield: I’m quite proud of the Serde documentation in the project README. It’s long, but very complete and detailed and gradually works up to more and more features. The best way to get started is to read the first section or two, then try playing with it. It’s deliberately easy to just toy around with, and add-in capabilities as you find a use for them.

As far as getting involved in the project itself, as in any Free Software project, file good bug reports, file good feature requests. If you want to try and add a feature, please open an issue first to discuss it. I don’t want someone wasting time on a feature or design that won’t work.

In particular, if someone wants to try writing a formatter for writing to protobuf or other binary formats, I’d love to see what can be done there. I’ve not worked with that format myself so that’s a good place to dig in.


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At the moment, Crell/Serde is entirely volunteer-developed by me, since it’s no longer sponsored by TYPO3. Please keep that in mind any time you’re working with this or any Free Software project. Of course, if you are interested, I’m happy to accept sponsorship for prioritizing certain requests.

IPC-Team: What’s on your wishlist for future iterations or updates of Serde?

Larry Garfield: Mainly addressing the limitations mentioned above. TOML support would be good to include. XML may or may not make sense. I like the idea of supporting boxed value objects better. Binary formats would be another good differentiating feature.

One feature in particular I’m exploring is allowing attributes to be read from a non-attribute source. AttributeUtils, which handles all attribute parsing, is also clean enough that plugging in an alternate backend should be easy. If that alternate backend reads data from a YAML file, for instance, using Serde, and deserializes into whatever attribute set a given library is using (such as Serde’s own attributes), that would allow any AttributeUtils-using library to easily support YAML or JSON configuration in addition to in-code attributes, but still resulting in the same metadata objects for a library to use. I’m still working on how to make this work, but I’m pretty sure it is feasible. Stay tuned.

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17 Years in the Life of ElePHPant Tue, 14 Nov 2023 08:51:52 +0000 In the vast and dynamic world of programming languages, PHP stands out not only for its versatility but also for its unique and beloved mascot – the elePHPant. For 17 years, this charming blue plush toy has been an iconic symbol of the PHP community, capturing the hearts of developers worldwide.

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The story of the elePHPant began in Canada, where Damien Seguy, the founder and father of the elePHPant, first brought this adorable creature to life. Little did he know that this creation would become a global ambassador for the PHP language, spreading joy and camaraderie among developers on every continent, including the frosty expanses of Antarctica.

At this year’s International PHP Conference (IPC), Damien Seguy took center stage to share the remarkable journey of the elePHPant. The keynote presentation was a nostalgic trip through the past 17 years, highlighting the elePHPant’s adventures, milestones, and enduring impact on the PHP community.


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The elePHPant’s global travels are a testament to the interconnectedness of the PHP community. From North America to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and even the remote corners of Antarctica, the elePHPant has become a cherished companion for PHP developers everywhere. It has been a source of inspiration, a conversation starter at conferences, and a symbol of the shared passion that unites developers across borders.

Beyond its physical presence, the elePHPant has also made its mark in the digital realm. It is a common sight on social media, where developers proudly share photos of their elePHPant companions during meetups, conferences, and coding sessions. The elePHPant’s virtual presence reflects the close-knit and supportive nature of the PHP community.
The IPC keynote offered a glimpse into the evolution of the elePHPant, showcasing the various editions and designs created over the years. Each elePHPant is a unique piece of PHP history, and collectors worldwide treasure them as valuable artifacts.

As the PHP language continues to evolve, so does the legacy of the elePHPant. It remains a symbol of the vibrant and passionate PHP community, which values collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and the joy of coding. The elePHPant’s 17-year journey is a testament to the enduring spirit of PHP developers worldwide. As it continues to travel the globe, it carries the memories and experiences of every coder who has crossed paths with this beloved mascot.

The post 17 Years in the Life of ElePHPant appeared first on International PHP Conference.

Professional Test Management with TestRail – Part 2 Fri, 06 Oct 2023 12:28:46 +0000 The process in a testing team already starts in the leading project phase with an intensive planning of test concepts, optionally directly for the different levels of the V-Modell (component test, integration test, system test, acceptance test).

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Testing is more than just running the tests! We have already explained this statement in detail in Part 1 of our series.

The simplified flow from “Test Case Management” to “Test Planning”, “Test Execution” up to the “Final Reports” shows the wide spectrum of activities in the QA environment.

So that these things can be carried out in a controllable manner, there are tools such as “TestRail”.

The test management software allows to create a clean and filterable test catalog with detailed instructions for the execution of tests.


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Together we have created such a test catalog in part 1, which we now use accordingly for further planning.

Now that we have developed our tests and entered them as optimally as possible in TestRail, it is time to prepare them for execution by means of “Test Runs”.

Creating Test Plans

There are several options available in TestRail for planning. The most basic option is to create a simple test run (“Test Run”), which we can create under the menu item “Test Runs & Results”. This test run will later contain various tests from the catalog, selected either manually or automatically via filtering.

However, if we want a more structured approach, TestRail also offers the possibility to create a test plan. A Test Plan can contain any number of Test Runs, allowing for thematic structuring or subdivision.

Test Plans and Test Runs can be combined in different ways. For example, as in the definition, a Test Run can be a single run with a completed result. A test plan could then contain several runs until finally everything was OK and the feature can be accepted.

Another variant is that a test plan contains different test runs covering diverse topics. This could mean, for example, that one of the test runs might contain all the automated Cypress tests, another for smoke and sanity tests, and another for regression testing or new features. This is often helpful to have a visual representation, but can also be used to assign to different testers on the team. In this case, the test runs would remain open or repeated until everything is ultimately OK.

Before we actually create a test plan, we should look at the “Milestones” section in the main menu item. All test plans or test runs can also be assigned to milestones. These thus provide a rough subdivision, which can be done at your own discretion or in coordination with the project management.

Now we create our test plan and three test runs each for “Cypress Tests”, “Smoke and Sanity” and “Regression Tests”.

When creating a single test run, we have several options for selecting the tests. We can choose to add all tests, only certain manually selected tests, or use dynamic filtering to make the selection.

In case of manual selection, a window opens with an overview of our test catalog. Here we can navigate through our structured sections and select desired tests by simply ticking them. After clicking “OK”, the selected tests are applied to the test run.


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When using dynamic filtering, we also see a modal. On the right side we have the possibility to specify different filter settings. Depending on how extensive the list is, we need to make sure to click on the “Set Selection” button at the bottom (scrolling may be required). Only then will TestRail highlight the appropriate tests based on our filtering. The rest of the process is the same as for manual selection.

If you now think that this is all TestRail offers us, you are considerably mistaken. TestRail offers us many more useful functions in the editing view of a test plan. The “Configurations” button opens a small window where we can create various groups and configurations. Based on the selected combinations, our prepared test cases will be duplicated and created for each specified configuration. For example, we could create groups for browsers, operating systems and devices. The configurations could then be “Chrome”, “Firefox”, or “Windows 11”, “MAC”, etc. We can then select which combinations we want to test. After we confirm this, we have different test runs for all our combinations, which we can customize or even remove. Of course, it is also possible to assign each Test Run to a different tester in the system.

So with all these features, we have flexible options to find our own customized approach for a project and a way of working.

At the end of the day, it is crucial to have a clear overview of the tests and be able to quickly provide feedback on the current status.

Test Execution

Now we finally get to the execution of our tests. Depending on the strategy and approach, this can be done either during the project, or classically at the end. Combinations are also possible if there are sufficient resources.

To start a run, we simply go to the detail page of the desired test run. On this page we have an efficient overview with statistics, sections and filtering options. A simple master-detail navigation allows to see the list of tests on the left side, and the details of the currently selected test on the right side.

For each test, multiple results can be recorded here. To do this, we simply click on the drop-down menu of the status (e.g. “untested”) in the list or on “Add result” within the details page. We can pre-select anything without consequence, such as “passed”, as a separate window will open anyway where we can adjust the results again. This may seem unexpected at first, but it is easy to learn. Basically, it is up to us which view we want to use to test. The most important thing is to read the steps carefully. However, the modal offers the advantage of marking steps already performed as “passed” to keep track of them, and it also allows us to record times, which can be interesting for planning future test runs.

Once we have captured the result of the test, TestRail does an excellent job of logging. The modal contains not only a comment function, but also fields for build number, version, etc., in addition to the status (Passed, Blocked, Retry, Failed). These can be expanded with additional fields as needed. A particularly interesting area concerns defects. Here we not only have the option to enter reference numbers (i.e. ticket IDs), but you can also create tickets directly in Jira, as long as Jira is connected to TestRail. So if we find a bug in the software, we can create a Jira ticket directly from TestRail, and the ticket ID is automatically linked to the test result in TestRail. This allows QA teams to track the current status of Jira tickets directly in TestRail and see when a feature can be retested, independent of project management and developers. Within Jira, all relevant information from TestRail is displayed in the ticket, and the template used can be edited in TestRail. In this way, developers are also provided with all the necessary information.


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Traceability and Reports

TestRail provides a comprehensive range of reporting options to monitor progress and test coverage. You can compare results from different test runs, configurations and milestones. These reports can be automatically generated with a schedule and shared with both internal team members and external stakeholders, including the ability to generate reports as PDFs.

Learning TestRail’s reporting features may take some time, but once the various options are understood, many options are available to customize the reports to meet the team’s unique needs.

In addition to generated reports, TestRail also offers real-time reports. These can be found at the project level, milestone level, test plan level and test run level.

In the area of tracking, TestRail provides the ability to assign external reference IDs. This can be a Jira ticket ID, for example. If one has additionally linked Jira correctly, a tooltip field with information directly from Jira even opens when hovering. This gives you the possibility to assign different tests to a Jira ticket (e.g. Epic). This linking can be used for corresponding evaluations, but also for simple filtering when creating test plans.

TestRail API

TestRail has an extremely comprehensive HTTP-based API, which enables the creation of a wide range of interfaces. Using this API, we can retrieve test cases, create new test results, send attachments, and perform basic tasks such as creating test runs and editing configurations.

TestRail provides its own Github repository with templates for development in PHP, Java, .Net, Ruby and more.

Based on this API, we can now integrate a plugin for our test automation and submit results directly from Cypress to TestRail.

Cypress and TestRail

There are various reasons why test automation is sought. Whether it is due to resource constraints, to avoid repetitive steps, or to secure critical areas of the application that are often error prone.

To begin automation with Cypress, let’s create a Cypress project. Since the focus of this article is on TestRail, we will not go further into the implementation of Cypress tests here. The crucial point is the actual integration of our plugin.

First, we select a test from our test catalog. In collaboration with QA and development team (or Test Automation Engineers), a kick-off is conducted to take a closer look at the desired test and its behavior. After the test is implemented in Cypress, it is reviewed accordingly. If everything fits, we can mark the test as “automated” in TestRail. This will give us a better overview in the future of which tests are automated, and therefore no longer need to be tested manually.

But how do the results from Cypress get into TestRail? Quite simply – via an appropriate plugin based on the TestRail API. We install a compatible plugin like the “Cypress TestRail Integration” [].

The configuration is relatively simple using the “setupNodeEvents” function enabled by Cypress.

e2e: { setupNodeEvents(on, config) { return require('./cypress/plugins/index.js')(on, config) } , }

This file relates our manually created “index.js” file with the actual registration of the plugin. Of course, this step can also be done inline.

const TestRailReporter = require('cypress-testrail');
module.exports = (on, config) => { new TestRailReporter(on, config).register(); return config }

After this is done, there are only two simple steps left. First, we still need a configuration for our TestRail instance, and of course we still need to link our created test to the test that is in TestRail.

Let’s start with the configuration. We have several options to do this. Either we create a “cypress.env.json” file or work directly with environment variables, for example in the CI/CD section.


The plugin offers two basic ways to send results to TestRail. It is possible to send the results directly to an existing and prepared test run, or to have new runs created dynamically. The choice of the appropriate approach can vary depending on the team and the project. So this flexibility is given.

The following example shows a JSON file that sends results to a defined Test Run:

{ "testrail": { "domain": "", "username": "myUser", "password": "myPwd", "runId": "R123" } }

After the connection is configured, we just need to map our Cypress test to the appropriate TestRail test. This is done via a simple mapping in the test description (Test Description) using the ID from TestRail. The TestRail ID is visible with the tests and always starts with a “C”. It is also possible to link multiple Test Cases to a single Cypress Test.

it('C123: My Test for TestRail case 123', () => { // ... // ... })
it('C123 C54 C36: My Test for multiple TestRail case IDs', () => { // ... // ... })

That’s all. Now when we start Cypress in “run” mode, we see a hint about our integration and its configuration at the beginning. After a spec file is processed in Cypress, the results of the tests performed in it are finally sent to TestRail.

The integration offers many more options, such as uploading screenshots, adding more metadata and much more.


Testing is more than just running tests. To get the multitude of necessary tasks sorted out, test management tools like “TestRail” help us. TestRail offers a powerful test management solution that covers the entire quality management process, from test case creation to reporting. With features for structuring test catalogs, flexible test plans and comprehensive reporting, it enables efficient test management.


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TestRail’s seamless integration with other tools, such as Jira, facilitates collaboration between test and development teams. In addition, the fully comprehensive API enables integration for automation software such as Cypress and Co. among others.

Overall, TestRail provides a comprehensive solution to streamline the QA process and deliver high-quality software products.

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Professional Test Management with TestRail – Part 1 Tue, 26 Sep 2023 12:55:42 +0000 "Now just a quick test and we can go live!" Surely most of us have heard this statement before. A professional approach, perfect plans and structured work during the project - and yet this optimistic, yet at the same time naive conclusion in the home stretch.

The post Professional Test Management with TestRail – Part 1 appeared first on International PHP Conference.


But what is the problem with testing? Not in testing itself, but in the perception that testing can be done quickly and at short notice. However, professional quality management encompasses much more than just testing. It starts at the very beginning of the project, and over its duration provides answers to questions such as the coverage of planned tests, the progress of the project, the number of known defects, and much more.


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Tools are available to us for exactly these tasks, so-called test management applications. In this article, we will take a look at the application “TestRail”, and learn what possibilities such software offers us, and how we can use it.

However, before we get into the details, it is important to consider what is actually meant by the term “testing” and what tasks are associated with it.

What does professional testing mean?

What does testing actually mean? According to the guidelines of the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board), testing includes:

The process consisting of all lifecycle activities (both static and dynamic) that deal with planning, preparation, and evaluation of a software product and associated deliverables.

This definition is undoubtedly based on a broad focus on all activities, which means that testing encompasses much more than simply running tests.

If we take a closer look at the start of a new project, it is common knowledge that project management, technical lead devs and other stakeholders work with customers and stakeholders to create project plans, divide them into work packages and release them for development. What is often neglected, however, is the role of testers in this crucial planning phase of the project.


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In the area of quality management or quality assurance, one or more test concepts are developed in the professional approach at the beginning of the project. These test concepts sometimes deal with seemingly simple questions, which, however, play a central role in the development of test cases.

What are the goals of our testing? Do we want to build trust in the software, or just minimize risks? Evaluate conformance, or simply prove the impact of defects? What documents do we create for our tests? What forms the basis of our tests (concepts, specifications, instructions, functions of the predecessor software)? Which test environments are available, when will they be implemented, and which approaches and methods do we use to develop test cases?

For those who have now had their “aha” moment, it should be added that such test concepts can indeed be elaborated for each test level of the V-Modell. For example, in the area of component testing, we usually strive for things like unit tests, code coverage and whitebox testing, while in system testing, blackbox testing methods are increasingly used for test case development (equivalence classes, decision tables, etc.). In addition, system testing may already be validating instead of just verifying things.
 >Validation deals with making sense of the result (does the feature really solve the problem), while verification refers to checking requirements (does it work according to the requirement).

Due to the considerable amount of information and the work steps according to ISTQB (yes, that was by far not all), I would like to divide these, into four simple areas:

  • Test Case Management
  • Test Planning
  • Test execution
  • Final reports

This clear structure makes it possible to manage the complexity of the testing process and to ensure that all necessary steps are carried out carefully.

Testing in a Software Project

To facilitate the later use of TestRail, let’s now take a rough look at the flow of a project, using the points simplified above.

After the test base (requirements, concepts, screenshots, etc.) has been defined, various test concepts have been generated, and appropriate kick-off meetings have taken place, it is the responsibility of the testers to develop appropriate test cases. These tests essentially provide step-by-step guidance on how to perform them, whether on a purely written or even visual basis.

Those who have done this before know that there are few templates and limitations in this regard. These range from simple functional tests, such as technical API queries, to extensive end-to-end scenarios, such as a complete checkout process in an e-commerce system, including payment (in test mode).

A key factor in test design is recognizing that quantity does not necessarily mean quality. It makes little sense to have 1000 tests that cannot possibly be run manually over and over again due to scarce capacity. It makes much more sense to create fewer tests, but with a large number of implicit tests so that they automatically test additional peripheral aspects of the actual case, if possible.

Now that a list of tests has been created, it is of course useful if it can be filtered. Therefore, the carefully compiled test catalog is additionally categorized. The so-called “Smoke & Sanity” tests comprise a small number of tests that are so critical that they should be tested with every release. Simple regression tests, in turn, provide an overview of optionally testable scenarios that can be rerun as needed (suspected sideeffects, etc.).

The list of these categories can vary, as there is no official standard and they can vary from company to company. Ultimately, the most important thing is the ability to easily filter based on requirements. Of course, there are many other interesting filtering options, such as a reference Jira ticket ID for the Epic covered in the test, or possibly specific areas of the software such as “Account”, the “Checkout” or the “Listing” in e-commerce projects.

Now that the test catalog has been generated, the question is whether we should directly test it in full. The answer is yes and no! Here it depends on what is crucial for the project management and the stakeholders, i.e. what kind of report they ultimately need.

Therefore, we can create test plans that include either all tests, or only a subset of them. Usually, for example, before a release for a plugin (typically with semantic versioning v1.x.y, …) all “smoke & sanity” tests are tested, as well as some selected tests for new features and old features. Although it would of course be ideal to run all tests, this is unfortunately often unrealistic, depending on team size and time pressure. A relaunch project that is created from scratch should of course be fully tested before final acceptance. However, for a more economical way of working (shift-left), it is possible to plan various test plans for the already completed areas of the software earlier. Thus, tests for the “account” area of an online store could be started before the “checkout” area is testable. This gives an earlier result and also provides a cheaper way to fix bugs (the earlier in development the cheaper).
However, this is still a gamble, as side effects could still occur due to integration errors at the end of the project. Thus, additional testing at the end is always advisable.

Planning test executions thus involves selecting and compiling tests from our test catalog, taking into account various factors such as their importance, significance, priority and feasibility.

After the test plans have been created, and the work packages have been put into a testable state, now the perhaps simplest, but extremely prominent step in the QA process starts – the execution of the tests. This step can be quite straightforward, depending on the quality of the prepared tests, but it always requires a step-by-step approach. (A small tip: in addition to running these tests, freer and exploratory testing is also recommended to uncover additional paths and bugs).


During test execution, however, it is critical to log results as accurately as possible. This includes capturing information such as screen sizes, devices used, browsers used, taking screenshots and recording the ticket ID of the work package, and more. Such logging is necessary for tracking and makes troubleshooting much easier for developers.

After the tests have been run, it’s time to create the final reports. Stakeholders and other involved parties naturally want to know what the status of the project is. Among other things, they are interested in the test coverage, the number of critical issues found, and whether they might suggest a premature go-live of the application. The creation of reports is therefore an essential step in the QA process, as they form the basis for decisions and consequences for the entire project.

Fortunately, in order not to lose track of all these tasks, tools and applications are available. Although in theory simple documents based on Word and Excel can suffice, professional test management applications provide a much more efficient and organized workspace for the entire team.

A leading tool in this field is “TestRail”.

Test Management with TestRail

TestRail, developed by Frankfurt-based Gurock Software, is characterized by its specialization in highly efficient and comprehensive solutions for QA teams. Its offerings range from comprehensive test management capabilities to the creation of detailed test plans, precise execution of tests, meticulous logging and extensive reporting. And for those who want to go even further, TestRail offers an extensive API that can be used to develop custom integrations to further customize and optimize the QA process.

When visiting the TestRail website, it quickly becomes clear that there is more than just software on offer here. TestRail’s content team continuously publishes interesting articles on the subject of testing, which offer real added value thanks to their practical and technically appealing content.

TestRail itself can be used either as a cloud solution or via an on-premise installation. The cloud variant offers a comprehensive solution at quite affordable prices, around EUR 380 per user per year. For those who want additional functions, the Enterprise Cloud version is available for around EUR 780 per user per year. This includes single sign-on, extended access rights, version control of tests and much more.


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The installation on own servers is more expensive, about 7,700 EUR to 15,620 EUR per year, but already includes a large contingent of available users and can be a suitable solution especially for larger teams and companies.

Once you have chosen a version, such as the cloud solution, it can be used after a short registration.

Create a project

Let’s start by creating a new project in TestRail. In addition to the project title and access rights, there are settings related to Defects and References, which will be discussed in more detail later in this article. Through these two functions, it is possible to link applications such as Jira, with TestRail and get a smooth navigation, as well as a preview of linked Defect tickets or even Epic tickets (references).

Probably the most interesting and important area concerns the type of project we are creating. Here, TestRail offers us three different options for structuring our test catalog.

The user-friendly “Single Repository” option allows us to create a simple and flexible test catalog that can be divided into sections and subsections.

The “Single Repository with Baseline Support” option allows us to keep the simplicity of the first model, but create different branches and versions of test cases. This is especially useful for teams that need to test different product versions simultaneously.

The third variant offers the possibility to use different test catalogs to organize the tests. Test catalogs can be used for functional areas or modules of the application. This type of project is more suitable for teams that need a stricter division of the different areas. A consequence of this is that test executions can only ever include tests from a single test catalog.

For our project launch and greater flexibility, we choose the “Single Repository” type.

Create tests

After the project is created, we are taken to an overview page. Here, at a later stage of the project phase, we will find more useful information.

Now it is time to create our first test. To do this, we open the “Test Cases” section in the project navigation.

On this page we see the currently still empty test catalog. Our task now is to create an appropriate number of tests that are optimally structured and filterable for us.

TestRail offers a variety of options for organizing test cases. In addition to filterable properties, we can also create a hierarchical structure by using sections. There are no hard and fast rules on how this should be done.

We can use sections for different areas of the application like “Checkout” or “Account”, or create them for individual features. The author often finds it helpful to use sections to break down the application by area or feature, as these can be used later as a guide when creating test plans.

Regardless of whether we decide to use sections or not, the next step is to create our first test.

Looking at the input screen, we notice that a lot of emphasis has been placed on relevant information here.

We have the option to define various properties, such as the type of test (smoke, regression, etc.), priority, automation type and much more. If these options are not enough, we can easily create and add new fields through the administration.

When we define the instructions of a test, we have the option to use one of several templates. Besides the variant with a free text field, we also have a template for step-by-step instructions. With the latter, we can define any number of steps with sequences and expected intermediate results. This not only offers the advantage of clear instructions, but also allows us to specify exact results for each step. This way, we can later immediately see from which step an error occurred.


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For testers managing large projects, there is also the option of outsourcing certain steps to separate central tests, such as the “login process on a website”, and then reusing them in different tests.

Thanks to the extensive editing options for tests in TestRail, there are no limitations when it comes to defining test cases efficiently and precisely.

Today we learned about the different processes of a testing team in a software project, and started using TestRail to set up our project.

With the tests we created together and the resulting filterable test catalog, we now have a perfect basis to plan the actual testing of our application.

In the next part we will use this test catalog to create test plans as well as to execute the tests.

We will also take a look at reporting, traceability, and Cypress integrations via the available TestRail API to complete our flow.

The post Professional Test Management with TestRail – Part 1 appeared first on International PHP Conference.
