• Sam Bellen

    JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption: No way, JOSE!

    Sam Bellen (Auth0)
    Piotr Horzycki

    MoneyPHP: How to process money without going bankrupt

    Piotr Horzycki (Espeo Software)
    Antonio Peric-Mazar

    Are you failing at being agile?

    Antonio Peric-Mazar (Locastic)
    Denys Bulakh

    Asynchronous PHP In Examples #slideless

    Denys Bulakh (Adviqo GmbH)
    Alain Schlesser

    The eternal struggle: backward compatibility vs. technical debt

    Alain Schlesser (Bright Nucleus)
    Tomas Votruba

    Set up EasyCodingStandard in under 5 minutes

    Tomas Votruba (Rector)