Sebastian Bergmann has created the industry-leading testing tool PHPUnit, which has played a vital role in professionalizing software development with PHP. Sebastian shares his comprehensive experience in publications and through presentations. As Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of The PHP Consulting Company (, he helps teams with introducing PHPUnit, making better use of PHPUnit, improving development processes, and writing code that is easier to test. In his free time, Sebastian contributes to Open Source, plays board games, and enjoys retrocomputing with his Amiga 1200.
When not working on and supporting 1CRM, Marcus Bointon is the maintainer of PHPMailer, a Top Ten PHP project on GitHub, and probably the world’s most popular email sending code. He’s a contributor to many other open-source projects, and wrote the WHATWG HTML5 email address specification. He’s an accomplished Linux sysadmin and MySQL DBA, providing performance, scalability and security consulting, and a technical writer and pentester for Radically Open Security. He’s spoken at technical conferences in the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, the USA and Canada. He lives in the French alps with his wife and kids, where he can indulge his passions for skiing and mountain biking.
Ralf has been a developer for almost 30 years now and the CEO of Travello, an official Alexa partner agency for Alexa Skill design and development. Since the beginning of 2017 Ralf designs and
develops Alexa Skills for the Amazon Echo family. He is author of phlexa, the PHP framework for building Alexa Skills, and was officially awarded as an Alexa Champion. He is also a AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder and member of the Bixby Premier Developer Program.
After several years of being employed as a Director of Software Development, Christian co-founded Suora GmbH, a company that supports customers in designing, building, and modernizing web applications. From frontend technologies to complex server side architectures, he is experienced in the major building blocks of today’s web platforms. Christian enjoys finding the right spot between pragmatism and formally correct software design. Christian believes in leveraging the right tool for the job, while keeping in mind the beauty of simple architectures. As a Consultant with Suora, he supports customers in developing modern IoT platforms and complex distributed systems.
Sebastian Heuer plans and writes software for the web since the early 2000s. He focusses on clean software architectures and high-quality, easy to understand code. Apart from his position as Developer Advocate at, he engages in several open-source projects (like and helps teams to write solid and maintainable software.
Robert Lemke is founder of the Neos Open Source Project and initial creator of the Flow Framework. He’s also co-founder and CEO of Flownative, a venture supporting web agencies and organizations to realize successful projects with Neos and Flow. Robert lives in Lübeck, Germany, together with his wife, two daughters, and Rocket, their espresso machine.
Victoria co-founded the development agency Limenius, where she works as a senior software developer and project manager. She is a seasoned developer with more than eight years of experience designing and building projects with PHP and Symfony, and more than two working with React and React Native. She also prepares trainings, helping development teams to overcome forthcoming challenges.
Even older digital watches would outperform Stefan Priebsch’s first computer. He holds an academic degree in computer science, is the author of several textbooks, and a university lecturer. Stefan has presented and keynoted at technology conferences around the world. As Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of The PHP Consulting Company (, he helps his clients to develop software successfully. Stefan spends his free time abusing his electric guitar and researching agile home improvement.