Unleash the Power of PHP with Advanced Techniques and Best Practices

Unleash the full potential of PHP and become a more efficient developer with the PHP Core Track. This track equips you with the knowledge and tools to write cleaner, more maintainable, and performant PHP applications.

PHP Core

Learn from Industry Leaders about:

  • Advanced PHP Features: Explore advanced language features and functionalities like generics and static analysis tools.
  • Development Best Practices: Learn best practices for writing cleaner, more maintainable code, including avoiding null values and alternative inheritance approaches.
  • Tools and Frameworks: Master essential tools and frameworks for efficient PHP applications and deployment workflows.
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting: Gain insights into debugging techniques for effectively troubleshooting PHP interpreter issues.
  • PHP Community and Culture: Join the conversation and learn about the history and evolution of the PHP community.

Track Speakers Berlin 2024

Track Speakers Munich

Global Track Program

Track Program Berlin 2024

The program of International PHP Conference Munich 2020 will be announced soon! As a reference, please see the program of International PHP Conference Munich 2019 below.

Track Program Munich 2024

Sessions Munich 2024

Sessions Munich 2024

View all sessions

Sessions Berlin 2024

Sessions Berlin 2024

View all sessions

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Behind the Tracks of IPC

PHP Core
Best practices & applications

General Web Development
Broader web development topics

Test & Performance
Software testing and performance improvements

Agile & People
Getting agile right is so important

Software Architecture
All about PHP frameworks, concepts &

DevOps & Deployment
Learn about DevOps and transform your development pipeline

Content Management Systems
Sessions on content management systems

#slideless (pure coding)
See how technology really works

Web Security
All about
web security