International PHP Conference
The Conference for PHP and Web Development

PHP Core Technology

„The PHP Core Technology track covers everything you need to know to design great applications and to become a better PHP developer.“

– Stefan Priebsch,

PHP Core Technology

PHP is one of the driving technologies on the web. More than 80 percent of the world’s websites are based on the scripting language. With the release of PHP 8 this year, it becomes even more relevant: With better performance, great new features.
Although developing with PHP is an easy skill to learn, the broad ecosystem and its quirks require a lot of experience to master the language. The PHP Core Technology Track offers deep insights into various aspects. From PHP core development, PHP standards, engine-related topics, to framework best practices lectures, this track covers everything you need to know to build great applications and become a better PHP developer.

Track Speakers Berlin 2020

Track Speakers Munich 2020

Global Track Program

Track Program Berlin 2020

The program of International PHP Conference Munich 2020 will be announced soon! As a reference, please see the program of International PHP Conference Munich 2019 below.

Track Program Munich 2020

Stay tuned!

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Explore other Tracks

PHP Coding & Frameworks
PHP Coding Standards & Frameworks.

General Web Development
Empower Your Web Development Skills for a Sustainable Future.

PHP Architecture & Design
Design scalable, resilient, and adaptive PHP applications.

Testing, DevOps & Continuous Integration
Automate with confidence and deploy without fear.

PHP Security and Secure Web Applications
Safeguard your applications from today’s digital threats.

Performance Optimization for PHP
Accelerate your PHP applications for ultimate efficiency.

Future Trends & AI in PHP
Embrace the future with AI, WebAssembly, and cutting-edge PHP advancements.

Agile Development and Collaboration
Agile Development and Collaboration in PHP Boost team productivity.