

Simplify WordPress Development with WP-CLI

What if I told you that you can generate a proper PHP code on a command? Remember, all I'm offering is the truth – nothing more. Setting up a project today is a project. GIT clone, nvm install, nvm use, npm install, npm run start, fix docker port issue, nvm install && nvm use, npm install, npm run start.. Ahh ok, rm -rf *, git clone… When you finally make all the different tools work on your machine, it’s time for writing the code - but not just yet. You still have to do some copy/pasting from docs. Where was that page with a code example again?

Unlocking PHP 8.3

The final version of PHP 8.3 was released recently in November of 2023. As with every year, there are a number of new features and bug fixes, as well as deprecations and breaking changes that need to be considered before updating to PHP 8.3.

Serde for PHP 8: How Functional Purity Drives Serde’s Architecture

Delve into the world of Serde and Crell with Larry Garfield, the PHP expert who created this unique and versatile library. Larry currently works as a staff engineer at LegalZoom but has worked at Platform.sh, written books on PHP, and contributed to the Drupal 8 Web Services initiative to create the modern PHP we're familiar with today. We caught up with Larry to talk about Serde and its supporting libraries. Read on and learn everything you need to know about Serde and Crell.

17 Years in the Life of ElePHPant

In the vast and dynamic world of programming languages, PHP stands out not only for its versatility but also for its unique and beloved mascot – the elePHPant. For 17 years, this charming blue plush toy has been an iconic symbol of the PHP community, capturing the hearts of developers worldwide.

The PHPUnuhi Framework at a Glance

While pipelines, tests, and automation positively influence many aspects of our daily work, there are still topics where manual work makes developers yawn. The platform-independent open source framework PHPUnuhi is trying to revamp the topic of “translations”, enhancing it with possibilities in the areas of CI/CD, storage formats, and even OpenAI.
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