Testing, DevOps & Continuous Integration

Node.js module: JSON Server

<div style="text-align: justify;">Most cases of web frontend development, require a functioning backend. Yet quite often the frontend and backend are developed separately. This means, that the functionality of the frontend can only be tested, if there’s a backend providing it with a counterpoint station. And to decrease this backend dependency...

Message Processing Retries with RabbitMQ

<div style="text-align: justify"><a href="https://www.rabbitmq.com" style="color: #921015;">RabbitMQ</a> is an open source message broker, useful in almost any technology stack. It's built in Erlang and has a reputation for being a robust and reliable technology. However, in this article we'll look at what happens when things are <strong>not</strong> going smoothly, and how...

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