

Is my shop up to the task? Realistic performance tests for operative security

As easy as it might be to execute simple performance tests with ab or siege, it’s still quite difficult to ensure that a website can actually withstand the expected load. It’s quite regularly that websites collapse under the burden of a relaunch or a planned advertising campaign. Kore Nordmann will show you how you can be certain about surviving such an event successfully.

Continuous Integration for PHP

Continuous Integration is the first step of a Continuous Delivery Chain and can be used as a standalone solution. It reduces the team's workload in the field of quality management by automation and helps to make sure software quality is maintained in the long run.

Software Quality Is No One-Time Effort

While it is very interesting to learn about new software designs and architecture patterns we tend to forget that our software must be adaptable over time and this might even be more important than choosing the "right" patterns at the very beginning. Requirements for software always changed and will always change.

The significance of PHP – Is it still relevant?

Most of us might remember the days when we thought the web would not have a bright future. Designers with backgrounds in print media were trying to fix the web with layout tables, JavaScript was pure evil, and PHP was a technology which teared deep security holes into a web server. But the Times, They are a-Changing.

Stay tuned!

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