

PHP functional: Elegantly get to your destination!

Functional programming is trending now. Many programming languages now provide good support for developing code functionally. PHP also contains mechanisms for functional programming. Unfortunately, other paradigms, such as good legibility or good understanding of the code, often get lost along the way; but it doesn’t have to be that way!

Symfony’s new messenger component

One of the big, new features of Symfony 4 is the messenger component, which was introduced in the last release. Similar to the EventDispatcher, it is sending messages but it can also send and receive messages across the boundaries of the application. Thus, it is offering the potential to introduce event sourcing and CQRS to Symfony applications.

Nest.js for Node.js applications

By now, Node.js isn’t a small-time-player anymore when it comes to the backend technology. However, the acceptance and distribution of the platform has only increased in recent years, so that more and more developers have to approach this technology. Node.js’ lightweight character is its biggest advantage, but also a disadvantage. Node.js only has a handful of core modules, which can be used to implement even larger web application. But this comes at price, because all the important features, such as routing or a plug-in layer for web applications, must be implemented manually.

Just find the right flow – Branching models and workflows for SCM systems

Source control management systems (SCM) are a part of the standard equipment of a software developer. Despite their daily usage, there are still many helpful techniques that are largely unknown. There are quite a lot of SCM tools [1]. This article refers to the freely available, distributed SCM tool Git that has a very high relevance due to its widespread use. And with only a few adaptations many of the here presented practises can also be applied to other solutions as well, for example, subversions.

The Value of Code Quality

A good Code is easy to read and oversee for anyone who isn’t the creator of the code. If it’s easy to understand, it’s much easier to maintain and extend the code. Frank Sons, spokesman at the IPC Conference shows us the value of the code.

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