Archive IPC Munich 2017

Workshop: Accelerate Domain-driven Design with Event Storming [SOLD OUT]

PHP 7 Deep Dive Workshop

Workshop: Angular Jumpstart [SOLD OUT]

Workshop: Modern Web APIs with Node.js [SOLD OUT]

Workshop: Functional Reactive Programming with RxJS

Everything you need to know about PHP 7.2

Database? Meh! Implementation Details with Domain-driven Design

It's not Dark Magic – Pulling back the Curtains from your Style Sheets

Develop Desktop Applications with Electron

Robust Production-ready Node.js

Symfony 4 and Symfony Flex – Core Ideas, Features and Improvements

SonarJS: a static Tool to detect Runtime Exceptions in JavaScript

PouchDB – The perfect Offline-First Database for your Browser

The Security State of Open Source PHP Applications

Angular with Redux

Stabile Software in volatilen Umgebungen

Domain-specific Languages with PHP

Routing into the Sunset with Angular

From Zero to Hero – Web Performance

There’s a slight Smell of wet Dog in your Code

Legacy-Anwendungen mit Expressive modernisieren

Climbing the Abstract Syntax Tree

Web goes Native: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) – with Angular

Redux and React

Make your own Robotic Tester with Docker, FFmpeg and codeception

Der Weg von nativen/Java-basierten Clientsystemen nach HTML/JavaScript: die RISC-HTML-Methode

Templating in 2017 – you're still doing it wrong

Packt mein Shop das? Load Testing, Performance und Co.

Through the Sound Barrier: High-Performance Applications with Angular

Sharing Code between Web and Native Mobile Apps with Angular and NativeScript

Global Inventory Web App in Angular – Keeping 5700 People in sync

Using PHP outside the Web Context, why not scientific Applications?

Queues with RabbitMQ

Dip your Toes in the Sea of Security

The Vue of Search Engine Optimization – How to make your Single-Page App rank well

Divide and Conquer – Microservices with Node.js

RxJS, a better async

How to escape Legacy Hell

Go for PHP Developers

Write solid JavaScript Code with TypeScript

Writing React Components: The Functional Way

The Art of State Machinery

When to abstract?

Self-hosted Continuous Integration for PHP Applications with GitLab

Was man alles ohne JavaScript machen kann

Unleash the Power of Angular Reactive Forms

ECMAScript oder TypeScript, das ist hier die Frage

Domain-specific Assertions

Bausteine erfolgreicher Retrospektiven in agilen Prozessen

Zero-Configuration Microservices with Node.js and Docker

Learning Machine Learning

JavaScript Testing mit Jasmine

Alexa Skills für Amazon Echo mit PHP entwickeln

Angular 5 vs. React

Inferno – React on Speed?

Exploratory Data Analysis with JavaScript

JavaScript frameworks vs. SEO: Challenges around JS crawling and indexing

Getting comfortable being uncomfortable – Lessons learned one Year after Coding Bootcamp

Devs fight your Battle! A Pledge for cross-functional Teams

webpack – the JavaScript Bundler

Year with Event Sourcing and CQRS

Rise of the Nodebots

Building Cross-Platform Apps with Apache Cordova and GitHub Electron

Architecture Refactoring: Moving towards DDD

BotMan – From Zero to Chatbot

Unlock the Power of JavaScript Decorators

Backups in the Time of Microservices

I didn’t know the Browser could do that

LAMP in Containers

A Glimmer of Hope – Creating modern Web Components with Glimmer

Best Practices for Writing JS Libraries

How hard can it be?

Debugging, Logging and Profiling in Distributed Systems

You can save Web Typography

Everything Web and why open matters

The Mobile Web Second Edition: First-Class Citizen on your Device now

GraphQL - the better interface for client-server-enterprise systems

Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis

Functional Reactive Programming with Cycle.js

How to automate your DevSecOps successfully

Workshop: Progressive Web Apps using the Angular Mobile Toolkit [SOLD OUT]

Symfony 4 for large and small projects

Nacho Martin Limenius