Testing, DevOps & Continuous Integration

The PHPUnuhi Framework at a Glance

While pipelines, tests, and automation positively influence many aspects of our daily work, there are still topics where manual work makes developers yawn. The platform-independent open source framework PHPUnuhi is trying to revamp the topic of “translations”, enhancing it with possibilities in the areas of CI/CD, storage formats, and even...

The Magic of Automation

What does an automated pipeline bring us besides initial costs? Above all, a documented deployment flow that anyone can execute. Automated deployments save time, money, nerves and make room for value- added work ‒ but how does it all work exactly? This article provides the answers and presents a corresponding set-up.

First, prevent any harm

“First, do no harm” says the Hippocrates. As fault-tolerance experts we say “First, prevent any harm”. It is often said that all software faults are design faults. It easier to prevent the harm at design time. Fault tolerant system design and development techniques will allow developing sustainable 99 % reliable...

DDEV-Local: One for all!

DDEV-Local developed by DRUD Technology LLC is a great solution to simplify and unify the entire local PHP development environment in teams, agencies, and communities. The open source tool is compatible with many popular CMS solutions, among others. In addition, DDEV can link the PHP programming language with the cutting-edge...

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