
PHP in the Async-land

When working on this article, I was thinking about real-life examples to explain asynchronous processing from scratch. In the end, I understood that there are too many examples and I can’t pick the most relevant one. Seriously, you barely can imagine a process in nature that follows a sequence or...

Why GraphQL?

For the past 4 years, GraphQL has offered developers a compelling new way to think about your API. What does it change for us, PHP developers? In this article, we will see very quickly what makes GraphQL a special protocol. Then, we will have a quick look at the GraphQL...

React Best Practices

There are a lot of comparisons between the big three frontend JavaScript frameworks Angular, Vue and React. But there is no winner. Each framework has its advantages and disadvantages and in the end it’s a question of personal preference which framework or library you choose for your application. Every solution...

Why you shouldn’t care about Security

In this talk and demo, Ben will show how implementing an identity provider and using OAuth and OpenID Connect can allow you to ramp up your prototypes and MVPs with more ease and to concentrate on the core purpose of the APIs , rather than the layers of security that...

PHP: stronger than you think!

The hullabaloo against WordPress Gutenberg editor blocks being made of JavaScript and not PHP made everyone think "Is the reign of PHP over?" Well, No! At Least that is what the statistics say. W3Techs ran a report that suggests “PHP is used by 79% of all the websites with a...

PHP 5.x and PHP 7.x Security in Focus!

Since the end of 2018, PHP 5.x is no longer being supported. This means in particular that any vulnerability discovered since the beginning of January 2019 is and will remain a zero-day vulnerability - meaning there will be no patch for it. But what can we say about the security...

PHP functional: Elegantly get to your destination!

Functional programming is trending now. Many programming languages now provide good support for developing code functionally. PHP also contains mechanisms for functional programming. Unfortunately, other paradigms, such as good legibility or good understanding of the code, often get lost along the way; but it doesn’t have to be that way!

Exclusive interview with Taylor Lovett

Due to the upcoming IPC, we talked to Taylor Lovett, Vice President of Engineering at 10up, one of the largest WordPress-centric agencies in the world. Taylor Lovett will attend the IPC's Sessions „<a href="https://phpconference.com/devops-deployment/effective-continuous-integration-for-enterprise-wordpress-applications/">Effective Continuous Integration for Enterprise WordPress Applications</a>“ and „<a href="https://phpconference.com/php-development/wordpress-best-practices-for-enterprise/">WordPress Best Practices for Enterprise</a>“.

Symfony’s new messenger component

One of the big, new features of Symfony 4 is the messenger component, which was introduced in the last release. Similar to the EventDispatcher, it is sending messages but it can also send and receive messages across the boundaries of the application. Thus, it is offering the potential to introduce...

Stay tuned!

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