First, prevent any harm

“First, do no harm” says the Hippocrates. As fault-tolerance experts we say “First, prevent any harm”. It is often said that all software faults are design faults. It easier to prevent the harm at design time. Fault tolerant system design and development techniques will allow developing sustainable 99 % reliable...

Why GraphQL?

For the past 4 years, GraphQL has offered developers a compelling new way to think about your API. What does it change for us, PHP developers? In this article, we will see very quickly what makes GraphQL a special protocol. Then, we will have a quick look at the GraphQL...

PHP FFI and what it can do for you

PHP 7.4 brings a lot of exciting new features. One of them is the Foreign Function Interface extension built directly into the core. But what problems exactly this extension is trying to solve? Does this mean that we no longer need to write a PHP extension if we want to...

Structuring PHP Exceptions

When it comes to learning how best to use exceptions in PHP, it is very difficult to find anything more than very basic explanations and tutorials online. While the consensus is that you should use exceptions indeed, there is very little information on how to structure and manage them in...

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