

Simple and practical: Laravel with GraphQL

Lighthouse PHP is a framework for Laravel that simplifies the creation of GraphQL interfaces. Thanks to directives and automation, work for developers is reduced to the essentials: planning and data design. For GraphQL interface users, work is largely facilitated by autocompletion.

The Magic of Automation

What does an automated pipeline bring us besides initial costs? Above all, a documented deployment flow that anyone can execute. Automated deployments save time, money, nerves and make room for value- added work ‒ but how does it all work exactly? This article provides the answers and presents a corresponding set-up.

Frameworkless: Sometimes, less is more

Frameworks have been our faithful companions for many years. They are partly responsible for the success of our favorite language. They have their advantages, however, they also sometimes have substantial disadvantages. So why not simply create your next web service without a framework? We will forego barely any conveniences and in passing, we will learn to understand our applications on a deeper level.

PHP in the Async-land

When working on this article, I was thinking about real-life examples to explain asynchronous processing from scratch. In the end, I understood that there are too many examples and I can’t pick the most relevant one. Seriously, you barely can imagine a process in nature that follows a sequence or an organised queue. And asynchronous doesn’t mean chaotic.

From the dream of a long-lasting software architecture

Long-lasting software is probably everyone's dream, but it’s often not a reality. By using three simple methods, it is possible to create an architecture that keeps a stable and clear line throughout the project - and if something goes wrong, a mistake is noticed immediately. This article shows which methods these are.

PHP 8.1: A look at the new features and changes

Last year the new major version of PHP was released and although it brought many great new features, it was not very well received by the PHP developer world. Version 8.0 did not manage to convince developers to switch to a new version. Maybe PHP 8.1 will make it so – let us take a look at what's new.

Stay tuned!

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