Asynchronous Programming in PHP
When starting this article I wanted to write about quite a lot of things and quite a lot of concepts. However, trying to explain just the fundamental blocks of what asynchronous programming is, I quickly hit the character limit I had and was faced with a choice. I had to decide between going into details of the A’s and B’s or give an eagle’s eye perspective of what is out there in the async world. I chose the former.
New awesome features of MySQL
MySQL, like any other technology, is constantly evolving and brings many new features. However, not everyone has the time to keep up with all the new features in this popular open-source database. Fortunately, this article provides a quick catch-up!
Clean Code in PHP
Do you want to create software that is easy to maintain and has as few bugs as possible? Or write code that others, but also you, can still understand after weeks or even months? Maybe clean code is something for you.
How Git Hooks Support Local Development
No more commits with messages like "Fixed typo" or "Best commit ever". No more commits with syntax errors or failing unit tests. No more error messages because Composer packages were not updated after a pull. Sounds too good to be true? Not with the help of a pirate!
PHP 8.2 Says Goodbye to Some Legacy Issues
PHP version 8.2 was released on December 8, 2022. It brings new features that greatly improve working with PHP. Some legacy code has been removed, so you need to be careful when upgrading to the new version. You never know what’s still in your old code.
Laravel vs. Symfony: A Side by Side Comparison
When facing the start of a brand new PHP application there is one decision that can’t be overlooked: which framework should you use? Theoretically, you could start with none but assuming the project at hand is anything but trivial that’d probably be a bad idea. The good news is you’re not exactly short of options to choose from.
Building a Job Offer App With Mailchimp and Symfony
In this article, you’ll learn how to build a Single Command Application that interacts with MailChimp and GoogleSpreadsheets using the Symfony Framework. You’ll also learn how to structure your applications to survive changes to the vendor environment.
Using pg_profile for Historical Workload Analysis in PostgreSQL
What is pg_profile and how do you use it? For PostgreSQL, the extension pg_profile is a simple historical database workload profiler. This article will demonstrate how pg_profile provides extended performance statistics and streamlines the ability to understand performance incidents.
A simple alternative to XML, JSON, and co
Have you ever wondered why comments in XML are written in such a complicated way or why JSON doesn’t offer comments at all? Have you ever needed to fix an indentation error in your YAML file? If so, then you already know some of the hurdles in common text-based data formats. This article will take a look at an alternative: the Simple Markup Language.
MySQL Database Compare Tools Overview: ApexSQL Data Diff vs dbForge Data Compare
Modern technologies provide database specialists with powerful and convenient software tools. In this article, we are going to examine the powers of the two popular solutions for data comparison: dbForge Data Compare for MySQL created by Devart and ApexSQL Data Diff for MySQL developed by Quest.