Archive IPC Berlin 2018

DDD-Workshop: Accelerate Domain-driven Design with Event Storming [SOLD OUT]

Workshop: Code like a Pro

Hands-on Progressive Web App Bootcamp [SOLD OUT]

Visuelles Prototyping für UX- und Webdesigner

Scaling Sparta: Military Lessons for Growing a Dev Team

Tools every PHP Developer needs to know

Responsive Weblayouts erstellen: Grid loves Flexbox

"One component for view in them all" or reusable UI with native web components and Stencil compiler

Rethinking Namespacing in PHP

Progressive Web Apps von A bis Z

Micro Frontends

How to test self-contained Systems

CSS Grids im Detail

The Wild West of Inclusive Design: True Tales of E-Commerce Optimization through Accessibility

Software-Analytics - mehr als Quellcodeanalyse

Building an Incredible Machine with Generators and Pipelines in PHP

Optimizing nginx - from Beginner to Expert to Crazy

Webdesign: Advanced Web Typography

DR. Seuss guide to code craftmanship

Design and innovation with a gender lens – female consumers as a business potential

Design für Entwickler - mit Angular, HTML und CSS

CQRS and Event Sourcing explained

How to Train Your Minions

Zero Knowledge; Meeting the Growing Demand for Security and Privacy in a National Security World

Accessibility For Everyone

Server-side Rendering of JavaScript in PHP

Five Design Patterns You Need To Know

Performance-Optimierung für CMS getriebene Websites

Creating Enterprise Web Applications with Node.js

PHP reviews for busy people

Web Application Security: Winning When The Odds Are Against You

Lebendige Anwendungen mit Angular-Animationen

Optimizing PHP-FPM for Production

Wie Sie Produkte kundenzentriert entwickeln und schärfen

How knowing your Audience Leads to Innovation

Future Ethics

A LAMP Stack Professional's Journey to Artificial Intelligence: Meet Johnny the Deployer!

Nahezu perfekt – über eine gelungene Zusammenarbeit von Kunden und Designer

Review unknown code with static analysis

Asynchronicity: Concurrency. A Tale of

Docker in Practice: Lessons learned from dockerizing complex Web Apps

API Versioning 1.0.501 with Docker and nginx - using every Tool in the Box

Fast by Default: Modern Loading Best Practices

Writing Viruses for Fun, not Profit

Die DSGVO ist da - und jetzt? Was kommt danach?

Speed up your Web Application

Surviving with Git: Undoing Things and recovering from Mistakes

„Ist das Update schon drauf?“ -- Über Kommunikation und Transparenz in agilen Softwareprojekten

Mein Scrum ist kaputt!

Developing with Symfony 4

Weeks of coding can save you hours of planning

How to automate Environment Creation using PHing and Docker

Erfolgreiche Retrospektiven gestalten

Multimodal Conversation. More than Chatting and Commanding

Learning Machine Learning

Caching the Uncacheable

Was macht ein Scrum Master den ganzen Tag?

NativeScript with Angular or Vue.js

Effective Code Reviews

Workshop: Symfony 4 for large and small Projects [SOLD OUT]

React vs Angular: A Reactive Programming Workshop

Workshop: Webperformanceoptimierung 2018 [SOLD OUT]