
Crafting maintainable Laravel applications

Being the author of BaseCode and creator of Shift gives me a unique insight into writing Laravel applications. I combined 20 years of writing code with supporting over 20,000 Laravel upgrades into 10 tips for crafting maintainable Laravel applications. These may seem fundamental and as such easily dismissed. But any...

React Best Practices

There are a lot of comparisons between the big three frontend JavaScript frameworks Angular, Vue and React. But there is no winner. Each framework has its advantages and disadvantages and in the end it’s a question of personal preference which framework or library you choose for your application. Every solution...

PHP Expert check: 25th Anniversary of PHP

<div style="text-align: justify">The PHP programming language was released in 1995, meaning it’s celebrating a quarter of a century in 2020. To mark the occasion, we asked four PHP experts and International PHP Conference 2019/2020 speakers what role PHP plays for them today. According to many statistics PHP is on the...

Why you shouldn’t care about Security

In this talk and demo, Ben will show how implementing an identity provider and using OAuth and OpenID Connect can allow you to ramp up your prototypes and MVPs with more ease and to concentrate on the core purpose of the APIs , rather than the layers of security that...

DDEV-Local: One for all!

DDEV-Local developed by DRUD Technology LLC is a great solution to simplify and unify the entire local PHP development environment in teams, agencies, and communities. The open source tool is compatible with many popular CMS solutions, among others. In addition, DDEV can link the PHP programming language with the cutting-edge...

PHP: stronger than you think!

The hullabaloo against WordPress Gutenberg editor blocks being made of JavaScript and not PHP made everyone think "Is the reign of PHP over?" Well, No! At Least that is what the statistics say. W3Techs ran a report that suggests “PHP is used by 79% of all the websites with a...

Back to school – Explore the program of IPC

<div style="text-align: justify">School's starting again! No matter if pupil, student or apprentice – everyone should be prepared for the future tasks and lessons. But if you want to broaden your PHP horizon, you should visit the IPC with the PHP Academy. </div>

On the way to Symfony 5

<div style="text-align: justify">The new minor version of Symfony was released at the end of May, heralding the launch of Symfony 5. In addition to big new features such as the Mailer and HTTP Client component, existing components have also been extended and improved and additional deprecations introduced; these deprecated functions...

Stay tuned!

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