Archive IPC Munich 2018

Symfony 4 for Large and Small Projects

Workshop: Code like a Pro

Is a new Cross-platform Development Era coming?

Getting started with Kubernetes

Optimized Angular Apps: Smaller, Faster, Better

SPA Revolution with WebAssembly and ASP.NET Blazor

Do you verify your Views?

Search engine optimization for symfony developers

ES Modules: The Next Revolution?

OAuth in Practice: Forgot Your Password? Yes I Did!

10 standards a PHP developer should know

A Practical Introduction to Kubernetes

Angular and Micro Apps: Maintainable Client Architectures

WebAuthn: Passwords are Legacy!

Browser APIs: the unknown Super Heroes

Clean up Your Angular with Decorators and Reflect-Metadata

The GDPR and You

Zend/Expressive 3 - The Next Generation

Metamorphosis: From Database-Driven to DDD

Angular, React, Vue and Co. – peacefully united thanks to Web Components and Micro Apps

Processor Pattern with Angular Dependency Injection

Sieben Tipps für den Voice Commerce mit PHP

Node.js: Performance Analytics and Best Practices

Internet of Things – Back to Basics

Data Sync in PWAs: Online/Offline

From Domain to Code with Domain Storytelling

Efficient Domain-Driven Design: An Introduction to Event Storming

A Journey Into Strategic Domain Design

It's all about the domain, honey – DDD as basis for microservices

Native JavaScript Modules: import {Browsers, Node.js}; export {production};

Web Component Architecture and Patterns

It’s Alive! Dynamic Components in Angular

Performance in a Personalized World

PHP Inspections (EA Extended): realtime static code analysis

Angular Architecture Patterns Starring NGRX

Getting Started with PHPUnit

Squash Bugs with Static Analysis

Deploying IPv6

Blockchain for Developers - What's behind the hype?

Event-Sourcing vs CRUD

I am just a PHP developer

Making PHPUnit Better

Using RxJs to Process Streams in Real-Time

Analyzing Large Datasets with JavaScript and Node.js

Removing the Product Owner from the Agile Equation

Hello, My Name is “if”

AssertTrue(isDecoupled(“my tests”))

Effective Code Reviews

StranglerApplication Pattern: a Legacy Frontend Use Case

Stencil: The Time for Vanilla Web Components has Arrived

React and Mobx: Reactive Architecture

A Happy End for the Docker-for-Development Drama

An Ode to Boring Technology

Angular App Architecture: Don't get Lost in Structure

DDD, event sourcing and CQRS – theory and practice

Prepare for tomorrow, today

No Bullshit Performance - Replacement statt Refactoring

Tales from the wrong end - a maintainer's story of open source & CVEs

Frameworkless Frontend Development

Angular Realtime Interactions with WebSockets

Working in Autonomous Teams: Why & How

Web Components - The Future is Here

Crypto for Everyone - Libsodium in PHP 7.2

Make your App Alive with Angular Animations

From Plain to Progressive: Angular-made PWA's

Pragmatic TDD

[SOLD OUT] Workshop: How to Stop Sucking and Create Good Architectures Instead

Event-driven development and architecture