In a world where the front-end is evolving so fast, it is especially important to be able to count on a solid technology for your back-end that holds the foundations of your project. Symfony is a mature framework that had already proven its capacity of enabling rapid and good quality development, both for small prototypes and large and complex systems. Symfony 4 moves further in this direction, cutting configuration times to the minimum, and becoming more flexible and powerful than its previous versions. We will see how to turn Symfony 4 into your best ally for every project. Starting with a fresh installation, we’ll go through the process of building a Symfony application as well as a RESTful API and an admin panel – some of the most common requirements in almost every project. Along the way, we will review the best practices, learn how to organize the architecture of your project, and you'll hear about many useful tips and tricks learned along the years working with this framework.
No matter how experienced you are as a developer: You can always improve. This workshop teaches advanced coding techniques through live coding. First up, we will solve some interesting coding problems that the audience has defined (it's only live if nobody knows the problem beforehand). In the second segment, we will write code in a test-driven fashion. In the afternoon, it is your turn to write code. You will work on an interesting non-trivial coding exercise while being individually coached by the trainer. It's your choice whether you want to try test-driven development, write code first, then tests, or write no tests at all. The latter, however, might earn you some angry looks from the trainer. We will touch on domain-driven design, test-driven development, clean code and SOLID principles, and might even throw in a few design patterns. Every question will be answered! Make sure to bring a laptop with your favourite development environment (current version of PHP, an IDE, and PHPUnit). Attendees should have a good working knowledge of PHP, at least basic OOP skills, and be familiar with the basics of PHPUnit. No frameworks or other third-party code will be needed.
Kubernetes is a very powerful container orchestration platform that is quickly gaining traction and gives you lots of benefits in deploying, running and scaling your microservice web application. But it also has a steep learning curve. In this talk I will introduce you to Kubernetes, why you would want to use it and all the tooling around Kubernetes with the help of practical examples.
Angular apps are getting more performant with each new version of the framework - thanks to the huge number of internal optimizations. But the main responsibility for the eventual app performance is on us developers. Let's go through the main points on how we could help the framework to build and the browser to perform our app better.
WebAssembly (WASM) is challenging JavaScript's monopoly in the browser. Many higher-level languages are currently evaluating whether WASM is a way for them to conquer the web client. .NET is spearheading this movement. In 2017, we saw the first .NET prototypes running on WASM. Based on that, Blazor, the new .NET- and WASM-based Single-Page-App (SPA) framework, has appeared. The .NET community is thrilled but Blazor could be interesting for developers new to .NET, too. Rainer Stropek engaged early in the Blazor open source project. Join him in this fast-paced, demo-heavy session and see what's behind this new contender in the world of browser development.
We all know how to test domain logic in isolation from framework, database, and template rendering. While testing framework and database interaction can be considered to be solved problems, there is room for improvements when it comes to the testing of views and their templates.
Attendees of this presentation will learn how to decouple domain logic from views and make the latter convenient and fun to work with.
SEO is fancy, SEO is great, we just create content for Google." This is not a good motivation for a developer. Besides the semi-legal tricks of linkfarms and such, there are things that actually make a lot of sense to improve the ranking of our websites. Rather than turn to some dubious SEO expert, your customers should get good search engine support from you. In this talk, you will learn what you need to consider to make the Google algorithms happy and have nice looking search results. We will also take a look at the Symfony CMF Seo Bundle to see how SEO can be implemented in a project.
Modules are an essential part of any non-trivial JavaScript application which requires more than a single code file. And while modules have been a standard part of JavaScript Since ES2015, it has taken browsers a while to support them. During this time, developers have turned to tools such as webpack, Rollup, and Browserify. These solutions have completely changed the way we write and deploy our web applications. But now that browsers are starting to support ES2015 modules, it's a good time to examine if these solutions are still relevant. In this session I will show why built-in browser support for ES2015 modules is a game changer, and how, when combined with additional new JavaScript features and network protocols, it can revolutionize the way we package and deploy web applications. I will explain in detail the benefits and limitations of browser support for ES2015 modules and highlight their advantages over existing JavaScript packaging solutions.
Every month, we hear about a new data breach and billions of user passwords are being shared as we speak. How can we stop this? There is a simple solution: Let’s stop using passwords! From email links to biometrics, more and more technologies are available to help developers handle different types of credentials. During this presentation, the attendees will learn about some of the alternatives and how to implement them in the context of an OAuth flow.
Everywhere we look we see standards. The web is build on standards. Standards are great! They make it all work. Besides the W3C and other standard groups there is the PHP Framework Interop Group. Over the last couple of years they agreed on a couple of standards specifically for PHP. You might use some of them without even knowing about it. In this talk we have a look at 10 PHP standards, where they are or might be used and why they are useful.
Kubernetes is an open source system for automating deployment, operations, and scaling of containerized applications. It currently is the most promising option you have for deploying your container-based applications to the Internet. In this session you'll get an understanding of the concepts of Kubernetes and the tooling you need to launch and maintain a PHP application in your own Kubernetes cluster. We will also take a look at topics like load-balancing, (auto-)scaling, persistent storage and typical fun killers which might spoil your Kubernetes party.
Big monolithic applications have had their days. What’s needed instead are smaller maintainable applications, aka micro apps, that can be developed and deployed independently by different teams. In this session, you'll learn how to implement micro apps in the world of Angular. By using several examples, we evaluate different approaches including web components, packages, hyperlinks or even iframes. As an alternative, we will also talk about the majestic monolith and see how monorepos can help here. At the end you will know your options and which approach works where.
In March 2018, the haveibeenpwned.com password database contained about 501 Million hashes of known, stolen passwords. Yet, despite the fact companies obviously fail to securely store passwords and despite the majority of users still reusing a limited set of passwords for their online accounts, passwords are the predominant means of authentication. The brand new W3C Candidate Recommendation "Web Authentication" - or short WebAuthn - is supported by all major browser vendors and strives to make passwords a thing of the past. Get ready for the future and learn what WebAuthn is about, and how you can use and implement it for your site today.
A few years ago, Google and Microsoft partnered up to work together on Angular and TypeScript. This partnership has helped TypeScript support two important features: decorators and reflect-metadata. Decorators are one of the cornerstones of our Angular code and, along with the reflect-metadata API, play a key role in the inner workings of Angular. These two features are based on active TC39 proposals and their importance goes beyond Angular. Once accepted into the Javascript standard, they can open the door for developers to implement exciting new features that were not possible to implement before. In this talk, we'll understand how decorators work, how to write our own custom decorators and take advantage of the reflect-metedata API to make your Angular code cleaner.
You probably have a love/hate relationship with the GDPR, just like me. It may do a great job protecting our privacy, but honestly, even that remains to be seen. For most companies, getting ready for May 25th was... challenging. Now, as software architects and developers we must take responsibility and rethink many aspects of how we used to design and build systems. What does privacy by design really mean? How can we implement the right to erasure, especially in an event-driven world, and, most importantly, how can we prove to data protection authorities that we did things right? This presentation will provide you with a good mix of proven tactics, educated guesses, and some speculation. Do not expect complete solutions for everything (yet), but there may well be some eye-opening moments.
After the PSR-15 was finally published in the spring of 2018, the micro framework Zend/Expressive has archieved the next stage with its 3.0 release. Zend/Expressive suits all kinds of applications perfectly: from classic full-stack web applications via REST services through to special applications like PHP-based Alexa Skills. The third version of the micro framework based on Middleware can be your means of choice. This session introduces all the innovations in Zend/Expressive 3, presents different application possibilities, and demonstrates how to migrate from older Zend/Expressive versions.
In Franz Kafka's famous German novel, Gregor Samsa awoke to find himself transformed into a gigantic insect-like creature. Julie Lerman was more fortunate. After decades of designing software based on the needs of the data to be stored, she woke up to the beauty of Domain-driven Design. On the IJS keynote stage, she will share some of big ideas from DDD about client collaboration, strategic design and tactical patterns to help you find a smoother path for solving complex software problems.
Web development is exciting nowadays! We get new innovative technologies on a regular basis. While this is awesome it can also be overwhelming - especially when you have to maintain a product for the long term.
Web Components and Micro Apps provide a remedy for this dilemma. They allow for decomposing a big solution into small self-contained parts that can be maintained by different teams using the best technology for the requirements in question. Come to this keynote and find out how this idea helps with writing applications that can evolve over a decade and more.
Das Thema Voice Commerce wird schon seit 2017 entweder bejubelt oder verflucht. Ist das wirklich das nächste große Ding oder nur der neueste Flop des Jahrhunderts? Zwischen kritiklosem Jubel und ewiger Verdammnis werfen wir einen pragmatischen Weg auf das Thema und schauen auch, wie E-Commerce-Unternehmen einen ersten Einstieg in den Voice Commerce schaffen können. Die sieben Tipps starten in der Theorie und wenden sich über die Praxis auch direkt in die Tiefen der Implementierung mit PHP.
You have just released your Node.js application and now it’s not performing as expected? No need to worry. Node provides you with a handful of tools to measure every performance aspect such as memory, computing time, and so on. In this talk I’ll show you how to deal with the code in your application when it comes to performance problems and how to use the tools you’ve got. We will also cover some best practices that help you to write applications that perform.
Using the internet as the communication medium for computing devices is nothing new. The internet itself was invented for this purpose. Nowadays the number and variety of devices using the internet for communication are increasing dramatically every day. With that, the technology became more and more accessible up to the point where the hardware required to build quite an advanced `internet thing` costs no more than an ice cream. The interesting part comes with the software required to make this hardware work and that is what this session topic is about. We’ll see how we can actually use low-cost hardware to build our own `internet things`.
We all love programming. But programming is not an end in itself. And how do we actually know, what we should program? For that we need a tool to learn about the domain.
Domain Storytelling (www.domainstorytelling.org) means that we let our users tell us stories about their work. While listening, we record the stories using a pictographic language. The experts can see immediately if we understand their story. After very few stories, we understand the language of our users and can build a domain model from them and implement them in PHP or JavaScript.
One of the most relevant topics about Domain-driven Design is how to apply the strategic patterns to create organisational and technical designs aligned with the core domain of the company and maximize efficiency of the teams and infrastructure. The purpose of this talk is to show the journey of GetYourGuide in applying those strategic patterns to the travel industry in the marketplace business world.
To build software, we use great technologies, programming languages, and tools. And we have a lot of fun programming in this technical environment. But we must not forget that the most important point for a successful project is not the technology but the *domain*! To understand the domain we need a common language with the domain experts. Also, if we don't reflect the domain model in the software and its architecture, it will not help our users doing their work.
It is easy for developers to fall into the trap of focussing on technology instead of the domain. To prevent you from this, I will show in this talk how Domain-Driven Design (DDD) can help you to gather the domain knowledge and transform it into a Ubiquitous Language. To do this we use techniques like Interviews, Domain Storytelling, and Event Storming.
In practice it is not easy to decide how to divide up the domain and develop microservices for it. Here the DDD pattern Bounded Context can help us. It shows us where vertical cuts can be made.
Using these tools together with the Building Blocks of DDD enables us to build an architecture that represents the domain and makes our users happy.
Techniques to organize JavaScript code as modules started nearly from the beginning of the JS history and went from separate files, AMD/CommonJS formats to bundlers/transpilers. Today, all the modern browsers support native JavaScript modules and they are halfway to Node.js. That means it’s a perfect time to start using them. This requires extending and optimizing the techniques we are bundling the JavaScript (aka ECMAScript, or ES) modules with today, changing the workflow and the way the code is executed. Also, it makes the new tools to develop and debug the ES modules. Today it's possible to load script synchronously, on demand and publish them to production, making sure all the code is still fully functional.
Expect to hear about the main differences of the native modules (comparing to the bundlers/transpilers approach), how they work, and their features; how the browser/Node.js engines load and execute them and why it took so long for ES modules to be implemented in the JS engines; how to use native JS modules in production today; the benefits, performance overview, pros/cons, and conclusions; an overview of future perspectives and a number of examples/demos.
In this talk, we are going to look at what web components are, why we need them and how we can construct them according to best practices. In order to do this we will see several examples, and each example will be tackled with its own approach. Through these examples we will be able to see the pros and cons of different ways of structuring web components.
Our journey will take us through different design patterns for developing web components such as MVC, MVP and MVVP. On this road we will discuss services and singletons, encapsulation, inheritance vs. composition and much more. Even though these concepts can sometimes be hard to grasp or even boring, we will explain them in a simple and fun way.
We all know that you never write the perfect code the first time, there are always iterations. So, your goals should be: write code that is easy to understand, easy to refactor and easy to test! Also, it should often be easy to reuse but only when necessary (not all components need to be reusable but we will see more about that in our talk). We want to help you achieve this.
The main use-case for using dynamic components is when we can decide only in run-time which component is loaded. They’re also the only solution when we want to embed Angular components in non-Angular ones. In many cases, replacing in-template components with dynamic ones is beneficial to performance and code quality. In this talk we’ll learn how to create and use dynamic components, and discuss several types of usages.
Good performance is a key success factor for public-facing software on the internet. Over the years, we have gotten pretty good at scaling content delivery, usually through a combination of heavy caching, cloud computing, and reverse proxies. But the world is changing rapidly, creating an increasing demand for personalization. Being able to deliver a highly personalized customer experience is very different from publishing static content. This talk goes in-depth on how personalization challenges established best practices to build high performance web applications, and provides you with proven solution blueprints.
Php Inspections (EA Extended) is a PHP Static Code Analyzer for JetBrains IDEs. It extends static code analysis capabilities with 300+ rules focusing on potential bugs, performance, language level migration, architecture and other sensitive areas of PHP development. The talk will introduce the most profitable rules groups, automatic fixes capabilities and how to efficiently use the analyzer in typical integration scenarios.
It's easy to just build an app with no real architecture in mind. For the most part, Angular as a framework ensures that you don't drive off the road. However, as your application grows it becomes more and more apparent that you need to organise your code in a better way. The application state grows and suddenly it's everywhere and you realise you don't know anything about anything. This is where NGRX comes in to bring order to the chaos. NGRX ensure that your data flows in one direction and that you always know who did what to your state. Are you curious on what NGRX is and how to get started with its paradigms, libraries and tools? Then this session is for you.
If you want to be sure that your software works correctly, you need to continuously test it. Automated tests save you from pressing F5 in the browser all the time as well as from using debug statements such as var_dump() in your code. They are also cheaper than manual tests and easier to implement than you may think. How do I test my code with as little effort as possible? How do I execute as few lines of code as possible to test what I am really interested in? And what does this have to do with clean code? Attendees of this session will learn why they should include PHPUnit into their set of development tools.
All developers know that bugs are bad and finding them can be difficult. The good news is that tools to help us find and prevent them are becoming more powerful. Modern static analysis tools (like Psalm, Phan and PHPStan) are far more advanced than their predecessors. They can find a whole range of bugs whilst keeping the false positive rate low. This talk introduces more advanced static analysis. It will show the kinds of bugs that the more advanced static analysis tools can find. We'll then look at how they can be added to your current development work flow. Finally, we'll look at how we can write our code in a way to get the most out of static analysis.
Many developers are stuck in the world of old-school IPv4, which is an easy and comfortable place to be. But IPv4 is not much longer for this world - major network allocations have already run dry, and broadband and 4G mobile networks are steadily expanding the availablility of native IPv6 connectivity. This talk helps you learn what IPv6 is, what you need to do to get your services working on IPv6 (it's not as scary as you might think!) and related changes you need to make in your PHP apps and databases to accomodate IPv6.
Within the next ten years, blockchain technologies will be a given in our software projects in the same way databases are today. In this session, Ingo Rammer presents the technical foundations of current blockchain technologies - without any hype or fancy crypto currencies which border more on tulip mania than on serious software engineering. You will learn about the basic elements, types and operations modes of today's blockchains; about the fundamental differences between public and private/permissioned networks. And you'll face the reality of smart contracts: that they are neither smart nor contracts, but simply rules to validate transactions in a reliable, distributed way - and a powerful base for projects spanning multiple organizations. After this session, you'll have a solid basic understanding to evaluate whether your use cases can be supported by blockchain-based technologies.
Event sourcing is attracting more and more attention. This is partly due to the growing interest in domain-driven design (DDD) and CQRS, to which event sourcing fits conceptually well. But like everything else, it is not a panacea: There are scenarios for which event sourcing is excellently suited, and others where it is not appropriate. Golo Roden examines the scenarios involved and discusses the advantages and disadvantages, identifies risks and dangers, but also opportunities and possibilities. If you are not sure if event sourcing is the right approach for your application, this session is for you!
Is that true? Does the world of pure PHP developers still exist? Living in cross functional teams, would it be possible that one can sit on an island and say "I do PHP tasks only". What if the ops guy is ill? What if our angular hero is on holiday?
This talk will walk you through common tasks in a "normal" web project. Lots of examples will show a divergent world of developing web applications. From ops stuff and build tooling to examples in an aAngular frontend. Somewhere in between there is still some PHP left.#
Join Sebastian Bergmann, the creator of PHPUnit, to learn how PHPUnit works, why it works like that, why he wishes it did not work like that, and what he is doing about it.
In this talk you'll get an overview of Reactive Extensions and see its usage in a live-coding session.
First you will get an introduction into Rx and its history. After covering the basic concepts and terminologies, we will get a better understanding of observables and learn how to use marble diagrams for documentation.
In the live-coding session I create a morse code generator to demonstrate real-time stream processing in a playful way. You will get basic knowledge in morsing and a lot more over RX.
I will show you: how to create observables, common operators to transform streams, different ways to combine streams, subscription handling, error handling, exposing observables, andhow to use subjects to control streams.
After the session you'll have enough knowledge to start using Rx in any language, not only in JavaScript.
One of the twelve principles in the Agile Manifesto tells us that business experts and developers need to work together on a daily basis. Scrum implements this principle by putting a Product Owner into the team, that channels communication between business and development. But there is an inherent problem with how this limits collaboration and exchange of knowledge. With the ever increasing project complexity and market speed it is time for a reboot. The hard truth is that developers need to speak to stakeholders and vice versa. Let us show you how this can be less daunting than it sounds (and why there is no alternative).
Me and my little brothers “else”, “elseif” and my bigger sister “switch” are most likely all over your codebase. Often, we make your code harder to read or even difficult to understand. And don’t get me started on testing, we cause this thing called Cyclomatic Complexity, and I’ve been told that’s bad. Sebastian will show you that me and my siblings are similar but not equally bad even on a op-code level. He will show you some elegant and effective ways to get rid of us and make your code more comprehensible and easier to test. Do you want to understand this Cyclomatic Complexity thingy, how it affects you, and how it can be improved by writing more readable and maintainable code? Then don’t miss this talk.
“Houston we have a problem! This change you want… Well, it’s one small change for the codebase but one giant change to the test suite!” We all know why tests are great. But every once in a while we just wish they’d never been written. One case when test regret occurs is when we want to alter our functionality slightly but in doing so half the test suite goes from green to red. This talk will investigate why this happens. In particular, it looks at the coupling between tests and the code under test. We’ll investigate ways of reducing this coupling and make out test suites more resilient to change. This talk is aimed at those who already write tests and have a good understanding of SOLID principles.
Code Reviews are a de facto standard for most teams. Either as a general four eyes principle, via pull requests, or as a real team meeting. Each and every one of these methods has their own pros and cons. Avoiding bugs is typically the main reason why code reviews are introduced, but how often do you really find serious bugs in your code reviews? This talk will give some insights into how to use code reviews as a method to establish a common understanding of code quality in your team. Using review tools is usually the second step in that process, after the developers have established a mindset for good quality.
The frontend community shifted from simple websites with jQuery to complex Single Page Applications with Angular, React and so on. With this community getting bigger and "older" there's another kind of problems that we need to solve. How to manage Legacy frontend codebases. But when we can call a frontend codebase “legacy” and how we can manage it in a safe way? During this talk we are going to see how we applied the StranglerApplication pattern to make an AngularJS 1.2 Application in a shiny new codebase that our team really love.
Web development changed dramatically during the last years. With the enormous amount of JavaScript libraries and the new HTML5 standard, it is much easier to create web apps today. When building a web app, you will probably want to reuse some of the web components you built. But how can you do that with the current state of HTML? One of the new and emerging web standards is Web Components. The Web Components standard enables you to create reusable web components that include HTML, CSS and JavaScript. On the other hand, crafting raw components can be cumbersome. This is where Stencil comes into place. In this session you will become familiar with Stencil, a compiler that generates standard-compliant Web Components.
I would like to introduce an old but new paradigm, Reactive one, compared to the imperative and declarative. After introducing and comparing it, I will start showing an example of the benefits of reactive programming using React and MobX.
When Docker hit the scene, many developers (including me) started using containers as a lightweight alternative to virtual machines. It was promising to use Docker as a local environment for development which would closely match the software running on the production servers. But the cake was a lie, all sorts of practical issues spoiled the fun.
In this session I'll share what I learned throughout the last four years of using Docker as a development (and production) environment and how you can create your own set-up taking full advantage of the benefits containers provide.
Developers are known to have an inner drive to always find better solutions to their problems, but there is a predominant dilemma going on in today’s tech market: Developers are keen to learn new programming languages and frameworks while companies aren’t willing to invest heavily into knowledge with ever decreasing half-life. This dilemma can be resolved. Spoiler: New technology is not always the answer.
How should I structure my angular app to stay scalable? I want to show you some nice tricks and explain how to split your app into several modules and components. So you don't have to be scared, it's just Angular.
Numerous software projects fail not only because of the chosen technologies, but above all because of the lack of interdisciplinary communication. Developers and domain experts speak different languages and do not understand each other. In recent years, domain-driven design (DDD) has increasingly established itself as an approach to solving the problem. But how does DDD work and how does it relate to event sourcing and CQRS? The three concepts are often mentioned together, but are in fact independent of each other – but under certain circumstances they can complement each other very well. In the session you unravel the weave together with Golo Roden. He will also show you how to develop a cloud application with JavaScript based on DDD, event sourcing and CQRS.
Currently, the PHP project actively supports PHP 7.1 and 7.2. The security support for PHP 5.6 and 7.0 ends in December 2018. Now is the time to prepare for this year's PHP 7.3 and plan for next year's 7.4. Attendees of this presentation will learn everything they need to know about PHP 7.3 and how to keep up with PHP's development so that they will not be surprised, at least not in a bad way, when PHP 7.4 and 8 come out.
Using Angular and WebSockets, we will be turning physical motion into virtual motion in order to perform actions in our browser (navigation, event firing, etc). We will see the integration process step-by-step, resulting in a simple web application using WebSockets, Angular and a plain WebSocket client/server Node.js server. Once we launch this application on our phone, it will start sending device motion data from our phone to the browser, using the brand new device event APIs to capture our device’s acceleration, orientation and motion, and our Node.js server to perform the transmission. The browser will receive the motion data, and it will translate it into events and actions on the big screen. Tools that are going to be used are the WebSockets API, Angular, RxJS and a little Node.js server. Observable sequences will help us subscribe and listen to incoming messages, firing events in the process. The presentation will be interactive (users connected to the same network will be able to send data with their phone, too).
Two years ago, we transformed our company into a network of cross-functional and self-governing teams. So we learned the hard way which ingredients help teams to thrive on autonomy and which salt can spoil the soup. It is not about understanding boundaries. It is rather about deeply comprehending as well as mastering required mindset, behavior, and more...
PHP 7.2 includes the libsodium cryptography library by default in the base language - the first time that a popular language has shipped with strong, modern crypto support as standard. Everyone can build secure apps without the risks of rolling their own crypto or using outdated libraries. So what's in libsodium? What kind of things can you do? What risks remain? You'll get a tour of cryptographic functions, how they have been done in the past, and how to switch to libsodium to give you a security edge.
Animations in our web apps are usually an after-thought, however, with Material Design Google has taught us that meaningful motion can improve the UI, help create context, and give direction. Angular has an amazing animations module which does most of the legwork for us in creating and managing these animations. This talk will cover how easy it is to get started with making your apps feel alive.
Web applications leverage the power of computers and wi-fi connections to give their users a fast, fluent experience. Nevertheless, a huge portion of web activity is done on mobile devices, which require different capabilities, such as minimizing data usage and power consumption. Native mobile applications also leverage the devices’ features to add functionality and engage the users. Modern web technologies and rapid browsers’ advancement allow us to use most of these features from within web apps and adjust them for slow connectivity and offline usage, while keeping their advantages over native apps. Moreover, we can run these applications on desktop browsers and enjoy the same enhancements. In this talk Shmuela will present the wonderful world of possibilities with Progressive Web Applications, and how to easily achieve these enhancements in an Angular application.
Developers still hesitate to include writing tests in their everyday routine. There are numerous excuses, myths and misconceptions around: “they slow us down”, “we’ll never achieve 100 % code coverage, so why bother”, or “takes too much time to learn testing, we’re better off writing business logic instead”. When we get to the topic of writing tests first, the debate becomes even more heated. In the real world, where you get paid by code that ships, developers strive to write the most efficient tests possible to cover mission critical code and to quickly decide whether writing a functional test or series of unit tests is the best approach. Let us learn together how to use PHPUnit and TDD in the most efficient way possible, for extraordinary results. This workshop is for developers that start their projects by drawing a model of the database first, developers that are overwhelmed by the number of testing tools, don’t know where to start or simply want to level up their game.
"How do we get great designers? Great designers design, of course" (Fred Brooks). "So how are we supposed to get great architects, if they only get the chance to architect fewer than a half-dozen times in their career?" (Ted Neward).
In 2012 Ted Neward came up with a great idea how to solve these problems: Architecture Kata - starting with just a couple of requirements, small teams can try to get an architecture vision within a short time. It is a process that helps you learn how to get started and what to focus on. It points out how important it is to understand the requirements before you start coding. This workshop will show you how this can be used to train methods like event storming within your teams, or how to train developers without the risk of a real project that could fail. Architecture Katas are a way to learn from each other and give you a safe way to learn from your mistakes.
Numerous software projects fail. This is not only due to the technologies chosen, but often above all to a lack of interdisciplinary communication. Developers and professionals speak different languages and do not understand each other. Golo Roden shows in this workshop how event-driven development not only lays the foundation for better maintainable software, but also reduces the language gap. The participants develop a software from the idea to the finished implementation. This way exactly what the customer really wanted is created.